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Code Style

Jnewbon edited this page Oct 5, 2020 · 14 revisions

4 Spaces are used for indentation (not Tabs)

    printf("hello world"); // correct
(tab)printf("hello world"); // incorrect

NOTE: Synergy-core has a mix of spacing in the source, current style is to respect the spacing of the current file. If the code around your change is spaced, then use spaces, if it tabbed use tabs.

New code will use 4 spaced indentation, existing coed will respect the indentation style currently in use

Newline/LF (\n) used for line endings

Always use *nix line feed (\n) for line endings. Never use Mac CR (\r) or Windows CR/LF (\r\n). Most of the time, git will handle this automagically.

Always end files in a new line

As a courtesy to command line users (using cat/type/more/less commands), files should always end in a new line so that the command prompt looks tidy.

Member names are tab indented to column 25

class MyClass {
    Foobar              m_foobar;
    Foobar              foobar();

Arguments are tab indented twice, ctor init list only once

        Foobar* foobar,
        MoreStuff* moreStuff) :
    // ...

Class, struct, and enum names are PascalCase and prefixed

class MyClass { };
struct MyStruct { };
enum EMyEnum { }; // enum prefix is E

Member, and enum constant names are lower camelCase

class MyClass {
    void                helloWorld();

Member variables (public and private) begin with m_

class MyClass {
    MyClass*            m_myClass1;
    MyClass*            m_myClass2;

Enum constants are prefixed with k

enum EMyEnum {

Static variables are prefixed with s_

static MyClass*        s_myClass;

Comments and debug messages need not be grammatically correct

// i'm using bad grammar. but i like to use full stops
DEBUG((CLOG_INFO "hello world"));

Multiline comments use single-line commenting (//)

// for long block comments, instead of using the slash asterisk
// comments, we use the two-slash comments

Function return types must go on the line above the function name

// correct

// incorrect
int MyClass::helloWorld()

For functions, curly braces start on the next line after the function name

// correct
    // ...

// incorrect
MyClass::helloWorld() {
    // ...

For conditional statements, curly braces start on the same line

// correct
if (a == b) {
    // ...

// correct
for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) {
    // ...

// incorrect
if (a == b)
    // ...

// incorrect
for (int i = 0; i < a; i++)
    // ...

A space is used between operators and operands

// correct
a = b;
if (c == d) {

// incorrect
if (c==d) {

No space is inserted after or before conditions within parenthesis

// correct
if (a == b) {
    // ...

// incorrect
if ( a == b ) {
    // ...

The void keyword is not used for functions that do not take parameters

// correct
void helloWorld();

// incorrect
void helloWorld(void);

The const keyword is used regularly

class MyClass {
    const char*         helloWorld();

MyClass:: MyClass(const char* helloWorld)

Spaces must exist between conditional statement parenthesis and the keyword

// correct
if (a == b) {

// incorrect
if(a == b) {

No spaces between type and reference and pointer operator

// correct
char* helloWorld;

// incorrect
char *helloWorld;

Pre-processor commands within #if are indented

// correct
#    include "HellWorld.h"

// incorrect
#include "HellWorld.h"

Pointers and references do not have prefixes

// correct
MyClass* myClass1 = new MyClass();
MyClass& myClass2 = *myClass1;

// incorrect
MyClass* p_myClass1 = new MyClass();
MyClass& p_myClass2 = *p_myClass1;

// incorrect
MyClass* pMyClass1 = new MyClass();
MyClass& pMyClass2 = *pMyClass1;

The left comparator operand is a variable

// correct
if (a == "hello world") {

// incorrect
if ("hello world" == a) {

The else statement always goes on a new line

// correct
if (a == b) {
  // ...
else {
  // ...

// incorrect
if (a == b) {
  // ...
} else {
  // ...

Function arguments indent once when wrapped

foobar() {

Case switch lines up with switch

switch (type) {
case kFoobar:

Curly brace for case on same line

case kFoobar: {
  // ...

Includes must use the full relative path

// correct
#include "arch/win32/ArchInternetWindows.h"

// incorrect
#include "ArchInternetWindows.h"

Includes are ordered: pair, local, system

#include "arch/win32/ArchInternetWindows.h" // matching source/header pair

#include "arch/win32/XArchWindows.h" // arch/win32 could depend on arch
#include "arch/Arch.h" // arch could depend on base
#include "base/Log.h" // base could depend on common
#include "common/Version.h" // probably has the least dependencies

#include <sstream> // system (after divide)
#include <Wininet.h> // system

Rationale: This ordering is to reduce accidental dependency solving, so that headers are as independent as possible. For example, including a system header (e.g. sstream) before a local include (e.g. ArchInternetWindows.h) may accidentally solve a dependency (headers should include their own dependencies). There should be a clear divide between each group (pair, local and system) so that its easy to see the pair header is first, and it also reduces the possibility of local headers being “tagged on” to the end of the include list, which could introduce accidental dependencies; someone who hasn't read this guide is more likely to ask, “Why is there a divide here?”

Use #pragma once header guard

// correct
#pragma once

// incorrect
// ...

Rationale: #pragma once is very well supported across compilers but not actually part of the standard. The preprocessor may be a little faster with it as it is more simple to understand your exact intent. #pragma once is less prone to making mistakes and it is less code to type.

Put system header macros after local includes

// correct
#include "foo/Bar.h"

#include <Windows.h>

// incorrect

#include "foo/Bar.h"

#include <Windows.h>

Rationale: Though unlikely, local header (e.g. Bar.h) may also include Windows.h but needs the features that the WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN macro removes. This is probably the worst example, as you almost always want to use #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN (except for when using IUnknown, for example).

Non-class files are lower case with underscore

// correct
#include "example/foo_bar.h" // no classes here!

# incorrect
#include "example/FooBar.h" // no classes here!

Rationale: Upper camel case naming for non-class names is potentially misleading, as it suggests that the file contains a class.

Treat acronyms as words

// correct
TcpFoobar m_tcpFoobar;
FoobarTcp m_foobarTcp;

# incorrect
TCPFoobar m_TCPFoobar;
FoobarTCP m_FoobarTCP;

Rationale: TCPFoobar could be misread as TCPF-oobar, and members are always lowerCamel.

Return from expression instead of returning true or false

// correct
return a == b;

// incorrect
if (a == b) {
    return true;
else {
    return false;

Prefer throwing rather than returning error codes

// correct
throw GreatDisturbanceInForce(
    "millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, "
    "and were suddenly silenced");
throw MonkiesHaveTakenOverThePlanet(monkeyCount);

// incorrect
return 42; // the wrong question was asked
return -1; // there's a new virus in the database
return -1; // the rabbit is in the administration system
return -1; // too many garbage files, need more time
return -1; // expected cake, but there was none

If error codes must be used, use constants instead of magic numbers

// correct
enum EFoobarErrors {
if (favoriteColor == kColorBlue) {
    return kInvalidFavoriteColor;

// incorrect
if (capitalOfAssyria == NULL) {
    return -1; // invalid capital of country
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