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cli statismo posterior

Marcel Luethi edited this page May 15, 2015 · 1 revision


statismo-posterior - creates a posterior model from an existing model.


statismo-posterior [options] -i input-file output-file


statismo-posterior makes it possible to create posterior model for both shape and deformation models. It's possible to create a posterior model by providing landmarks or in the case of a shape model it's also possible to use a mesh that is in correspondence. Using a mesh in correspondence only makes sense if you want to project a model instance in to the provided mesh (see examples).


-c, --corresponding-mesh FILE : FILE is the path to a file containing a mesh that is in correspondence. This option can only be used with shape models. If a mesh in correspondence is used, then no landmarks are needed and providing landmarks will result in failure.

-f, --landmarks-fixed FILE : FILE is the path to a file containing the fixed landmarks.

-m, --landmarks-moving FILE : FILE is the path to a file containing the moving landmarks.

-v, --landmarks-variance VARIANCE : VARIANCE is the variance that will be used to build the posterior model. This is only needed when building models with landmarks.

-t, --type TYPE : Specifies the type of the model. TYPE can either be shape or deformation.

-d, --dimensionality : Specifies the dimensionality of the model (either 2 or 3). This option is only available if the type is deformation.

-i, --input-file MODEL_FILE : MODEL_FILE is the path to the model.

-o, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE : OUTPUT_FILE is the path where the sample will be saved.


The Landmarks format is as follows : Landmark name,1.coordinate,2.coordinate,3.coordinate

Example : pointA,2,-2,3



Remark : In the case of 2D Images, either set the 3.coordinate to 0 or don't set it at all.


Create a posterior model from a shape model with landmarks:

statismo-posterior -i model.h5 -o posterior-model.h5 -f fixed-landmarks.csv -m moving-landmarks.csv -v 0.1


statismo-posterior -i model.h5 -t shape -f fixed-landmarks.csv -m moving-landmarks.csv -v 0.1 posterior-model.h5

Create a posterior model from a shape model with a mesh in correspondence and then extract the mean from the posterior model (Projects a model instance in to a mesh and then extracts the projection):

statismo-posterior -i model.h5 -o posterior-model.h5 -c corresponding-mesh.vtk
statismo-sample --mean -i posterior-model.h5 -o projected-mesh.vtk

Create a posterior model from a 3D deformation model with landmarks:

statismo-posterior -i model.h5 -t deformation -f fixed-landmarks.csv -m moving-landmarks.csv -v 0.5 posterior-model.h5

Create a posterior model from a 2D deformation model with landmarks:

statismo-posterior -d 2 -i model.h5 -t deformation -f fixed-landmarks.csv -m moving-landmarks.csv -v 0.5 posterior-model.h5


##Building Models: statismo-build-shape-model (8). Builds shape models from a list of meshes.

statismo-build-deformation-model (8). Builds deformation models from a list of deformation fields

statismo-build-gp-model (8). Builds shape or deformation models from a given gaussian process definition.

##Working with models:

statismo-sample (8). Draws samples from a model.

statismo-reduce-model (8). Reduces the number of components in a model.

statismo-posterior (8). Creates a posterior model from an existing model.

statismo-fit-surface (8). Fits a model iteratively in to a target mesh.

statismo-fit-image (8). Fits a model iteratively to an image.

statismo-warp-image (8). Applies a deformation field to an image.