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Tim Danner edited this page Sep 29, 2017 · 1 revision

The Network Configuration Manager search interface can be called through the API using the ConfigSearch verb on Cirrus.ConfigArchive.


Verb: ConfigSearch

Search for configs matching a query.

string[] ConfigSearch(string searchString, string configType, 
    string coreNodeIdList, bool matchWholeWord, bool searchOnlyMostRecent = false,
    DateTime? startTime = null, DateTime? endTime = null)

The parameters for ConfigSearch are:

  • searchString - the text to search for
  • configType - the name of a config type (such as "Running" or "Startup") or null to just search all config types
  • coreNodeIdList - a list of NodeID values (ints from Orion.Nodes, not Guids from Cirrus.Nodes) as a comma-separated string, or null to just search configs from all nodes
  • matchWholeWord - true if the words in searchString must occur as written in the config or false if they can appear as a substring or a larger word in the config
  • searchOnlyMostRecent - true to only consider the current config of each type or false to search history as well. This parameter can be omitted; if so, history will be searched.
  • startTime - to search configs from a particular date range, provide the start time here; provide null or just omit the parameter to search all history
  • endTime - to search configs from a particular date range, provide the end time here; provide null or just omit the parmater to search all history newer than startTime

The return value of ConfigSearch is a list of id values for configs that match the query. To get the details of each matching config, including what node it came from, when it was obtained, and the full text of the config, use these ids to query Cirrus.ConfigArchive.

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