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The Orion platform provides an API for most account management tasks through the Orion.Accounts SWIS entity type.

Orion supports tree categories of accounts:

  • "Orion accounts" exist only in the Orion database. The default "admin" and "guest" accounts that are created by default when you create a new Orion database fall into this category. The database stores a salted hash of the account's password for authentication.
  • "Windows accounts" or "AD accounts" are either local Windows accounts on the Orion server or Active Directory accounts that have been authorized to access Orion.
  • "SAML accounts SSO" works by transferring the user’s identity from one place (the identity provider) to another (the service provider).

For "Windows" or "SAML", both individual accounts and group accounts are supported. If group accounts are used, any user who is a member of that group can access Orion. Users who are authorized via group membership inherit permissions from the group but have separate individual storage for preferences.

Note: If it makes sense in your environment, configuring Active Directory or SAML integration for Orion, authorizing an appropriate set of AD/LDAP groups in Orion, and doing account management in AD/LDAP is preferable to directly managing Orion accounts. For Windows, the process is described in this article. For SAML, the process is described in this article

All operations except querying accounts require the AllowAdmin user right.

Querying accounts

To list the accounts or find a particular account, query Orion.Accounts.

Creating accounts

Orion accounts

To create a new Orion account, invoke the Orion.Accounts.CreateOrionAccount verb, which has two parameters:

  1. accountID - the account ID (username) of the new user
  2. password - the password for the new user

The account will be created with minimal user rights but no account limitations. They can see any object but can't change anything. To add rights for the user, invoke UpdateAccount (see below).

Windows accounts

To authorize an existing Windows or Active Directory account to access Orion, invoke the Orion.Accounts.CreateWindowsAccount verb, which has four parameters:

  1. accountType - this should be 2 if you are adding an individual user account or 3 if you are adding a group account
  2. userOrGroupName - the name of the user or group account to add. Use the domain\username format
  3. adminUser (optional) - if the Orion services do not have rights to query Active Directory, provide the credentials of an account that does
  4. adminPassword (optional) - the password for adminUser, if needed

As with CreateOrionAccount, the resulting account has minimal user rights but no account limitations. The accountID of the new account will be the userOrGroupName provided.

SAML accounts

To authorize an existing SAML user to access Orion, invoke the Orion.Accounts.CreateSAMLAccount verb, which has two parameters:

  1. accountType - this should be 5 if you are adding an individual user account or 6 if you are adding a group account
  2. userOrGroupName - the name of the user or group account to add.

As with CreateOrionAccount, the resulting account has minimal user rights but no account limitations. The accountID of the new account will be the userOrGroupName provided.

Modifying accounts

To adjust user rights, invoke the Orion.Accounts.UpdateAccount verb, which has two parameters:

  1. accountID - identifies the account that should be updated
  2. properties - a dictionary (JSON object) containing the properties to update

The various AllowXYZ properties (plus CanClearEvents) that control user rights show up as "Y" or "N" if you query them like SELECT AllowNodeManagement FROM Orion.Accounts WHERE AccountID='bob', but when setting them using UpdateAccount, specify them as a boolean: true or false in JSON, $true/$false in PowerShell.

Deleting accounts

To remove a user account, invoke the Orion.Accounts.DeleteAccount verb, which has one parameter:

  1. accountID - identifies the account to delete

Changing passwords

To change a user's password, invoke the Orion.Accounts.ChangePassword verb, which has two parameters:

  1. accountID - identifies the account whose password will be changed
  2. password - the new password for the account
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