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snare edited this page Sep 29, 2014 · 1 revision


Voltron has a bunch of test suites built for various parts of the codebase. To run them, you'll need to install the nose module.

$ pip install nose

Change into the repo directory and run the tests:

$ nosetests -sv

Some of the tests are quite dependent on timing as there's a lot of restarting of the debugger hosts and rebinding of sockets going on, so sometimes tests will fail for no apparent reason with a "Connection failed" error or similar. This usually isn't really indicative of a problem, just run them again and they'll probably work OK. That's what happens when you stick random time.sleep() calls in there to wait for GDB to start up.

You can also try running just that suite on its own, e.g.:

$ nosetests -sv tests/

That will have a much better chance of success.