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Folder Structure

Sasha Ouellet edited this page May 29, 2018 · 1 revision


Most of the time, users should not have to worry about how the system's folder structure is laid out since the supplementary tools provided by the system should manage all of that. However, it sometimes becomes an issue for users to know where to place their files into the system.


The root of the system is split into 2 important directories: work and release, defined by the environment variables HELIX_WORK and HELIX_RELEASE, respectively.

Users should only concern themselves with files within HELIX_WORK, since this is where asset/element creation will take place. When elements are published, they are placed in the release directory.

Note: The overall folder structure for the work and release parent directories is identical. The actual file contents of these folders is what differs.

Show folder

The folders contained immediately within the parent directories are the show folders. A show's name is safely translated into a single word, special character free string that becomes the Show's entire contents. Within here, Sequence folders and per-element-type folders may exist.

Any elements created at the show level will be placed in subdirectories within the show folder according to their type (i.e. "prop"). Within the type's folder, you'll have another folder with the element's name. This is referred to as the Element's folder in this documentation.

Example folder hierarchy:

HELIX_HOME > MyShow > prop > MyProp

Sequence Folder

Sequence folders live within a particular Show's folder, with the format sq#### (the number of digits is the sequenceshotpadding configuration option).

Sequence folders could also have their own set of per-element-type folders, depending on if the sequence is a container for any elements users have created.

Shot Folder

Shot folders live as children of their respective sequence folder, with the format s#### (again the same configuration as above for sequences). Shots may also have per-element-type folders.

Element Folder

Elements of specific types are placed within their respective type folders at whatever container level they were made at (either Show, Sequence, or Shot). The element folder is inside the element type folder and is named based on the element name. Files associated with the element should be placed inside this element name folder. Nameless elements (see here) have their associated files placed directly in the type folder, rather than within a separate directory with the name of the element.