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Timothée Mazzucotelli edited this page Oct 22, 2019 · 4 revisions


This page shows code snippets related to Qtile windows.

Resizing windows

You will find here some snippets related to resizing windows.

Two-in-one grow/shrink for BSP layout

If like me you are used to Terminator's way of resizing panes, you may find this snippet interesting. It allows you to resize a window, growing it or shrinking it, without changing the focus to a neighbor. See this feature request: #1402.

⚠️ TODO: only tested under BSP, check if it works for other layouts.

The main logic is written in a resize function:

def resize(qtile, direction):
    layout = qtile.current_layout
    child = layout.current
    parent = child.parent

    while parent:
        if child in parent.children:
            layout_all = False

            if (direction == "left" and parent.split_horizontal) or (
                direction == "up" and not parent.split_horizontal
                parent.split_ratio = max(5, parent.split_ratio - layout.grow_amount)
                layout_all = True
            elif (direction == "right" and parent.split_horizontal) or (
                direction == "down" and not parent.split_horizontal
                parent.split_ratio = min(95, parent.split_ratio + layout.grow_amount)
                layout_all = True

            if layout_all:

        child = parent
        parent = child.parent

Then you can easily define lazy functions to be used with keys:

def resize_left(qtile):
    resize(qtile, "left")

def resize_right(qtile):
    resize(qtile, "right")

def resize_up(qtile):
    resize(qtile, "up")

def resize_down(qtile):
    resize(qtile, "down")

keys = [
    Key(["control", "shift"], "Left", resize_left),
    Key(["control", "shift"], "Up", resize_up),
    Key(["control", "shift"], "Down", resize_down),
    Key(["control", "shift"], "Right, resize_right),