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Fixes for apps having issues in Qtile

yobleck edited this page Jun 30, 2021 · 3 revisions

Messed up sizing for apps than run in a terminal

When launching terminal apps through keybindings, the dimensions of the output window aren't determined correctly. I'll use Ranger as an example but it's the same for all my terminal apps (Newsboat, Neomutt etc.)

Current behaviour:

Expected behaviour:

Apps that have given issues so far but feel free to add more:

I have a hacky fix for these issues which can be found on amongst my dotfiles here
Basically if you add the lines as featured below in a script it'll work and I just alias to my scripts for the correct names like ranger.

My ranger-fix script

(kitty --class ranger -e ranger $@ & ) > /dev/null 2>&1


Remember to chmod +x your script.

Add something like below to your .bashrc

alias ranger='ranger-fix'

Hopefully you should now be good to go.