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Jiri Malak edited this page Feb 1, 2024 · 14 revisions

This document contains a collection of unorganized notes. The information here should be organized better at some point but in the meantime it is better here than lost.

Core Dump in Linux Installer

In some cases the Linux installer produces an immediate core dump. This is due to a problem with the terminal handling; the installer can't find the terminal information database. The error occurs even before the splash screen appears. You can likely work around the problem by setting the TERMINFO environment variable to point at the proper location of the terminal information database. For example:

export TERMINFO=/lib/terminfo

Other solution by setup terminal type before run installer.

export TERM=vt100

DOS4GW Versions Compatibility

Previous versions of OW up to OW1.9 was using DOS4GW 1.97. Latest versions of DOS4GW 2.0x are not compatible with older versions configuration. To ensure OW 2.0 works with both versions, OW 2.0 doesn't use any setup for DOS4GW. Therefore DOS4GW banner is displayed by default. If you want to suppress DOS4GW banner then you must configure following environment variable.

For DOS4GW version 1.97 or lower


For DOS4GW 2.0x


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