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Peter C. Chapin edited this page Feb 18, 2022 · 2 revisions

The original Watcom C++ compiler came with an old-style C++ library that predated even the 1998 standard. We have been modernizing this library by adding the missing components and updating the existing components. Our implementation is entirely fresh. We do not use any third party library components. This allows us to take advantage of Open Watcom's unique features while working around, if necessary, Open Watcom's limitations and bugs. See the Design Philosophy section below for more details about the design criteria and goals for the Open Watcom C++ library (OWCPPLIB).

Currently OWCPPLIB is in an unfinished state. Relative to the C++ 1998 standard about 3/4 of the required library components are available. Some library components from the C++ 2011 standard have also been implemented, but C++ 2011 support is minimal. Also, due to limitations in the Open Watcom C++ compiler, many library components can only be partial implemented or, in some cases, not implemented at all. See the C++ Library Status section for more information.

Design Philosophy

In this section we attempt to answer the question of how the Open Watcom C++ library (OWCPPLIB) is different from other C++ libraries by making explicit the design criteria and goals for the OWCPPLIB project. The order of the items below is not significant.

  • Clarity of Presentation. Writing clear code is, of course, always good. In the case of an open source C++ library where essentially all of the code is in header files, clarity seems especially important. We want OWCPPLIB to invite study, not only to help improve its quality, but also to serve as an educational vehicle for novice C++ programmers. Templates that are easy to read also improves debugging in cases where you want to step into the library code. Several of the other criteria below are derived from the desire to make OWCPPLIB as clear as possible.

  • Specific to Open Watcom. OWCPPLIB does not attempt to be usable with other compilers - including earlier versions of Open Watcom. It was developed for the current version of Open Watcom only. This simplifies the implementation considerably because it is not necessary to clutter the code with #ifdef blocks to selectively work around bugs and quirks in multiple compilation systems. This also allows OWCPPLIB to take advantage of Open Watcom specific features and extensions in a straight forward way.

  • Conformance to the C++ Standard. It is our priority to make OWCPPLIB highly conformant to the standard.

  • Good Support for 16-bit Programming. Since Open Watcom C/C++ supports several 16-bit targets, we want OWCPPLIB to be usable with such targets. This means the library needs to behave in a reasonable way even when used in programs with significant memory constraints. This is particularly important for a template-heavy library where "code bloat" is sometimes a problem.

Modernizing IOStreams

Open Watcom C++ is currently using a "classic" (old style) IOStreams library in namespace std. This is somewhat odd. One would normally expect the classic library to be in the global name space and to only find a standard version of IOStreams in namespace std. However, the current situation does allow Open Watcom to compile many simple I/O examples according to the standard (e.g., programs that talk about std::cout).

Standard IOStreams differs from the classic library in many respects and advanced users of the library will quickly encounter the differences. Here are two of those differences:

  • Standard IOStreams are template based with separate instantiations for characters and wide characters. Classic IOStreams only support characters using ordinary (non-template) classes.

  • Standard IOStreams use standard locales to control formatting. Classic IOStreams does not have locales.

Although this is a work in progress, we intend to upgrade Open Watcom's IOStreams library so that it will conform to the standard. The approach we are taking is to, in effect, rewrite the entire library from scratch. One approach might be to build the new library in a temporary name space so that it does not interfer with the existing library while it is under construction. Although the new library will be written "from scratch" we expect to be able to borrow significant sections of logic, if not actual code, from the existing IOStreams library.

The new library will be built from the bottom up. Since standard IOStreams is heavily dependent on locales, the first step might be to provide standard locales for Open Watcom (this can be done directly in namespace std since there is no existing locale code to conflict). Once this is done the IOStream class hierarchy can be built, starting with ios_base and working down the inheritance graph toward iostream.

Special Features

OWCPPLIB contains a number of special features that we highlight in this section.

Case Insensitive String Comparisons

After doing #include <string> a special instantiation of std::basic_string named watcom::istring is available that does all comparisons in a case insensitive manner. For example:

#include <string>

void f( )
  watcom::istring s( "HELLO" );
  if( s == "hello" ) {
    // Matches "HELLO", "Hello", "HeLlO", etc.
  watcom::istring::size_type result = find( s, "ell" );  // Returns 1.

Simple Local Names

OWCPPLIB is written without the extensive use of underscore characters in the header files that one typically finds in C++ library implementations. For example, consider OWCPPLIB's version of for_each:

template< class InputIterator, class Function >
Function for_each( InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Function f )
  while( first != last ) {
    f( *first );
  return( f );

This is to be contrasted with a more common style that looks like

template< class __InputIterator, class __Function >
__Function for_each( __InputIterator _first, __InputIterator _last, __Function _f )
  while( _first != _last ) {
    _f( *_first );
  return( _f );

We feel that the extensive use of underscores obscures the code and makes it difficult to read. Thus we avoid them.

The underscores are normally used to protect the names from accidental modification due to user defined macros. Since the preprocessor does not respect the usual C++ scope rules, such macros might conflict with the simple names used in the first example. To avoid this, other template libraries use implementation reserved names even for symbols that would otherwise be local.

We believe, however, that the correct way to protect template bodies from molestation by the preprocessor is to provide the preprocessor with some sort of scope control facility. This has not yet been done in Open Watcom partly because we are waiting to see if such a facility becomes standard. In the meantime we take advantage of the fact that most of OWCPPLIB is new and immature and thus no existing Open Watcom users are relying on it (no legacy code to worry about). We provide simple local names for easy comprehension and will deal with preprocessor issues later as they arise.

Future Directions

In this section we provide a rough road map describing the anticipated future work on OWCPPLIB. If you are interested in contributing to OWCPPLIB you can consider this list as a "to do" list. The items below are approximately in descending order of priority.

  • Obtain user feedback on the library components that currently exist. Actively maintain the existing components.

  • Finish OWCPPLIB by providing the remaining functionality as required by the C++ 2011 standard. This will also require updating the C++ compiler itself since it does not yet support all the necessary features for processing a fully standard library.

  • Write user level documentation to augment the current C++ Library Reference manual.

  • Add extensions of interest to Open Watcom users (for example, near and far allocators, etc).

  • Perform detailed performance evaluations and then optimize the implementation.

  • Implement some sort of scope control facility in the preprocessor so that the simple local names used in OWCPPLIB will be safe.

  • Experiment with alternative implementation methods, perhaps allowing the user to select from the alternatives at compile time (or run time?).

  • Build a "debugging" version of OWCPPLIB that includes additional run time (or compile time?) checks.

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