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Releases: nilmtk/nilmtk

NILMTK v0.4.2

27 Aug 01:27
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This is just a very late GitHub release to match the tagged version available in the conda package.

For installation instructions, please follow the link:

0.4.0.dev2: REFIT converter: handle original and clean versions better, update URLs.

07 Nov 15:51
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For testing NILMTK-Contrib.

Reminder: if you want to try out tagged development versions (releases containing the dev string), you can follow the normal installation guide but use the following command for the NILMTK installation (step 4):

conda install -c nilmtk -c nilmtk/label/dev nilmtk

Version 0.3.2 with updated conda package

19 Aug 06:57
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This version is packaged as a conda package and includes changes to the Pecan Street Dataport converter, thanks to @eshapec.

You can install it in a dedicated conda environment with:

conda create -n nilmtk-env -c nilmtk -c conda-forge nilmtk

Or check the docs for more details.


26 Jul 04:47
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Remove fixed random seeds throughout the code. When really needed, pl…

…ease add in examples instead.

Closes #801.


26 Dec 18:32
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0.3.alpha Pre-release

This is an alpha release to v0.3. Used for building a PyPi and a conda recipe to make it easier to install v0.3 stable when it is released.