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José Ignacio Amelivia Santiago edited this page May 27, 2021 · 1 revision

List users

List users endpoint reference on the official TravelPerk documentation.

This function will list all users.

#Get all users without pagination
users = travelperk.scim().users().query().get()

#Get paginated users
users = travelperk.scim().users().query().set_count(

Create a new user

Create a new user reference on the official TravelPerk documentation.

A user can be created using the create method, setting the minimum required parameters like this:

newUser = travelperk.scim().users().create(
  True, # Create an active user
  'Given name',
  'Family name'

Or for more complex user creation the make method can be used for creating a new user request, setting all available attributes an finally calling the save method for sending the new user to TravelPerk like:

newUser = travelperk.scim().users().make(
  True, # Create an active user
  'Given name',
  'Family name'

Retrieve a user

Retrieve a user endpoint reference on the official TravelPerk documentation.

Given a user id this function will return all user fields.

user_id = 1
user = travelperk.scim().users().get(user_id)

Update a user

Update a user endpoint reference on the official TravelPerk documentation.

This operation has not been implemented yet you can use Replace a user instead.

Replace a user

Replace a user endpoint reference on the official TravelPerk documentation.

Given a user id and a set of attributes this will override all of a user's attributes.

user_id = 1
replaced_user = travelperk.scim().users().modify(
  True, # Active user
  'Given name',
  'Family name'

Delete a user

Delete a user endpoint reference on the official TravelPerk documentation.

Given a user id this function will remove it.

user_id = 1

Get genders

Will return all possible genders.


Get languages

Will return all possible languages.
