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José Ignacio Amelivia Santiago edited this page May 27, 2021 · 1 revision

List All Invoices

List All Invoices reference on the official TravelPerk documentation.

This function will return a list of all invoices.

# Retrieve all invoices without pagination
invoices = travelperk.expenses().invoices().query().get()

#Retrieve an invoices paginated response
invoices = travelperk.expenses().invoices().query().set_offset(50).set_limit(10).get()

Retrieve an invoice

Retrieve an invoice reference on the official TravelPerk documentation.

Given the serial number, this function will get the contents of a single invoice.

invoice = travelperk.expenses().invoices().get('your-invoice-serial-number')

Retrieve invoice PDF

Retrieve invoice PDF reference on the official TravelPerk documentation.

Given the serial number, this function will get the contents of a single invoice as a PDF file.

invoice = travelperk.expenses().invoices().pdf('your-invoice-serial-number')

List all invoice lines

List all invoice lines reference on the official TravelPerk documentation.

This function will return a list of all invoice lines.

# Retrieve all invoice lines without pagination
invoices = travelperk.expenses().invoices().lines_query().get()

#Retrieve an invoice lines paginated response
invoices = travelperk.expenses().invoices().linesQuery().set_offset(

Get billing periods

Will return all possible billing periods.


Get statuses

Will return all possible statuses.


Get sorting values

Will return all possible sorting values.
