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mmaness edited this page Oct 8, 2011 · 4 revisions

A question trait which provides a default answer if the respondent explicitly specifies he is unable to answer the question. Provides an option to respondents of "I do not know" by default or a specified message.


add_default_answer answer
add_default_answer answer, message
  • answer - the default answer which should be inputted if no answer is provided. This answer can be a string, number, or variable.
  • message - the message to provide to respondents which corresponds to providing the default answer. This parameter is optional, the default message is "I do not know".

Detailed Description

Trait Options


Can Be Used With:


Integer Education
  text "How much energy, in kWh, does your household use per month?"
  add_default_answer "N/A"
Integer Income
  text "What is your household's total income?"
  add_default_answer -1, "I do not feel comfortable answering this question"

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