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Azure Deployment new

Gabrielle Crevecoeur edited this page Sep 24, 2019 · 1 revision

Install Azure Development Tools

NTVS gives you the ability to easily deploy your Node.js applications to Azure Websites or Cloud Services. For some of these deployment options, you'll need to install the Azure Tools for Visual Studio. The tools give additional functionality such as emulator support for Cloud Services.

You can install the Azure Development tools workload while you are installing Visual Studio. If you already have Visual Studio and need to add the Azure Development tools workload follow this [documentation](If you have VS and need to add the Node.js development workload follow this documentation). (This documentation applies to VS 2017 as well).

Additionally, several Azure services, such as storage, service bus or management services can be used from your Node.js application using Azure SDKs for Node.js. These are available as npm packages.

To learn more, see the documentation for Azure Deployment and the Azure Node.js Developer Center.