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Ryan Matthews edited this page Jun 10, 2018 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the FeedGoo wiki!

Next on my roadmap is to implement a machine learning image recognition classifier that accurately determines how much food is left in the bowl (0%, 25%, 50%, 100%) and based on the last time the cat was fed (within a 12 hr span), whether to feed again and if so, how much. I plan to use scipy, numpy, and scikitlearn.

Twitter Integration via Twython

Shout-out to the super easy to use Twitter API Python library Twython, which I use to tweet status updates with images once food has been dispensed. Follow through its documentation to register your application with Twitter; I also found this link helpful with the details of registering my app and getting my keys with Twitter, of which Twython's documentation is a little light.

I leverage the PyGame library to take a picture 2 seconds after food is dispensed, and then upload this alongside the tweet for visual proof that the feeder is working. This has been implemented for the automated/scheduled and the manually activated

Future Versions

  1. Implement an ML image recognition classifier to feed the cat.
  2. Integrate with IFTTT to use voice commands with smart speakers to trigger a manual feeding, or to check on the status of the food.
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