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Peter Melnichenko edited this page Sep 11, 2016 · 1 revision

luarocks write_rockspec - Write a template for a rockspec file.


[--output=<file>] [...] [<name>] [<version>] [<url>|<path>]

This commands creates an initial version of a rockspec for a rock based on name, version, and location of its sources. The resulting rockspec is just a template: several fields, such as dependencies, have to be filled by hand.

If only two arguments are given, the first one is considered the name and the second one is the location. If only one argument is given, it must be the location. If no arguments are given, current directory is used as location. LuaRocks will attempt to infer name and version if not given, using "scm" as default version.

If location is a local directory and a Git or Mercurial repository, source URL will be inferred from it.

Resulting rockspec is created in current directory, with file name based on rock name and version. Output location can be changed using --output option.

Several fields of the rockspec can be set explicitly:

  • --license=<license> sets license name, such as MIT/X11 (by default inferred from COPYING, LICENSE, or MIT-LICENSE.txt files, if they exist).
  • --summary=<text> sets short description (by default inferred from or README files, if they exist).
  • --detailed=<text> sets detailed description (by default inferred from or README files, if they exist).
  • --homepage sets project home page URL (by default may be inferred from source URL).
  • --lua-version=<versions> sets supported Lua versions. <versions> must be one of "5.1", "5.2", "5.3", "5.1,5.2", "5.2,5.3", or "5.1,5.2,5.3".
  • --rockspec-format=<version> sets rockspec format version.
  • --tag=<tag> sets tag to use. Will attempt to extract version number from it.
  • --lib=<lib>[,<lib>] sets libraries that C files need to link with, filling external_dependencies table. The argument should be a comma delimited list of names.

LuaRocks will attempt to fill build table of the rockspec using builtin build back-end, listing files from src and lua directories in project sources.


Creating an scm rockspec for a project hosted in a Git repository:

mkdir my-rock
cd my-rock
git init .
git remote add origin
luarocks write-rockspec

This creates my-rock-scm-1.rockspec file:

package = "my-rock"
version = "scm-1"
source = {
   url = "git+"
description = {
   homepage = "",
   license = "*** please specify a license ***"
dependencies = {}
build = {
   type = "builtin",
   modules = {}