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luarocks config - Query information about the LuaRocks configuration.

luarocks config (<key> | <key> <value> --scope=<scope> | <key> --unset --scope=<scope> | )

* When given a configuration key, it prints the value of that key
   according to the currently active configuration (taking into account
   all config files and any command-line flags passed)

      luarocks config lua_interpreter
      luarocks config variables.LUA_INCDIR
      luarocks config lua_version

* When given a configuration key and a value,
   it overwrites the config file (see the --scope option below to determine which)
   and replaces the value of the given key with the given value.

   * `lua_dir` is a special key as it checks for a valid Lua installation
     (equivalent to --lua-dir) and sets several keys at once.
   * `lua_version` is a special key as it changes the default Lua version
     used by LuaRocks commands (equivalent to passing --lua-version). 

      luarocks config variables.OPENSSL_DIR /usr/local/openssl
      luarocks config lua_dir /usr/local
      luarocks config lua_version 5.3

* When given a configuration key and --unset,
   it overwrites the config file (see the --scope option below to determine which)
   and deletes that key from the file.

   Example: luarocks config variables.OPENSSL_DIR --unset

* When given no arguments, it prints the entire currently active
   configuration, resulting from reading the config files from
   all scopes.

   Example: luarocks config

--scope=<scope>   The scope indicates which config file should be rewritten.
                   Accepted values are "system", "user" or "project".
                   * Using a wrapper created with `luarocks init`,
                     the default is "project".
                   * Using --local (or when `local_by_default` is `true`),
                     the default is "user".
                   * Otherwise, the default is "system".

--json           Output as JSON