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CVE Security Vulnerability Resolution

David Ko edited this page Aug 10, 2023 · 2 revisions

How Longhorn handles CVE issues

Longhorn uses Trivy to scan for vulnerability issues in Longhorn deliverable artifacts (container images) and component application binaries (library dependencies).

In each Longhorn release, regardless of the type (major, minor, or patch), all Longhorn container images will be updated with the latest security patches provided by BCI ( This ensures that critical issues are resolved if BCI has provided the corresponding fixes.

In addition to updating host packages, if a corresponding security patch is provided, the dependencies will be updated to fix vulnerability issues in each Longhorn component.

What's the BCI image Longhorn is using

SUSE Linux Enterprise Base Container Images (SLE BCI) provide truly open, flexible, and secure container images and application development tools. The images consist of container environments based on SUSE Linux Enterprise and are designed to be a secure base for any containerized workload.

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