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Krzysztof Kolasinski edited this page Nov 8, 2015 · 1 revision


1. My graphics card supports openGL 4.0 but AwesomeBump exits just after application start or all textures are black.

Make sure that you have installed the lastest graphics drivers, then run program and check the log.txt file. The first few lines of this file will tell you which openGL version is used to initialize AB (It should be greater than 3.30) and which graphics card is used by AB. Note that if your graphics card uses NVDIA Optimus technology you need to make sure that AB will be run on the NVIDIA GPU. In order to do that you can change the settings in Nvidia Control Panel on Windows or run program with optirun command on linux systems.

2. I cannot run the program on linux.

In order to run the program use the bash script which sets the system paths for Qt libraries, otherwise if you run the AwesomeBump executable file it may fail (unless you have installed Qt).

3. My Intel graphics card seems to support opengl 4.0 but AB does run.

Even if your Intel graphics card claims itself to support opengl 4.0 it is highly probably that it will fail when running AB. Update: Since 3.0.4 AB should run with Intel Graphics card, but I can’t promise it.

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