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Windows and Window Coverings Settings

jvmahon edited this page Jan 4, 2020 · 1 revision


This is a placeholder for additional information on configuring Windows and Window Coverings.

These rough notes will be cleaned up at some point!

This plugin supports both "binary" (open/closed) and variable position (0 - 100%) Windows and Window coverings.

You may specify Windows and Window Coverings as a simple list of reference numbers as further explained and show in the sample configuration file "config.sinple.json"

		"Windows": 	[],
		"WindowCoverings": 	[],

They may also be specified as individual accessories of type "Window" or of type "WindowCovering" along with the identification of the HomeSeer reference using the "ref":123 value.

Some notes on how the plugin determines the type of window / window covering

To determine whether a plugin is a binary (On/Off) or a variable type ( 0 - 100%) window covering, the plugin looks at the HomeSeer device's configuration data which is shown in HomeSeer on the Status Graphics page. If the "Control Use" entries for any of the values is set to "Dim" them it is assumed that the device is a variable type and will use the value 0 to close and any value 1-100 to open the device (actually, in the case of Z-Wave, the values 1-99 are used to open the device).

You can override this mechanism and "force" a device to be recognized as binary or variable by specify it in the accessories group using one of the following types:

{"type":"BinaryWindow", "ref": 123}  // For Open/Closed-only Windows.
{"type":"VariableWindow", "ref": 123}  // For variable percentage Windows.
{"type":"BinaryWindowCovering", "ref": 123}   // For Open/Closed-only Window Coverings.
{"type":"VariableWindowCovering", "ref": 123}   // For variable percentage Window Coverings.

How the Plugin Determines Open and Close Values for Binary (On/Off) Windows and Coverings

  • IF the user has specified an openValue and/or closedValue in the configuration data, the plugin will use those values
  • Else, the plugin looks at the HomeSeer device's configuration data which is shown in HomeSeer on the Status Graphics page and searches for a value with a Control Use of "Door Unlock" and "Door Lock". If those are found, they are used as the openValue and closedValue;
  • Else, the plugin looks at the HomeSeer device's configuration data which is shown in HomeSeer on the Status Graphics page and searches for a value with a Control Use of "On" and "Off". If those are found, they are used as the openValue and closedValue;
  • Else 255 is used for openValue and 0 for closedValue;



I've deleted most of my "old" installation instructions that used to be here. Homebridge has updated their instructions and they are now more comprehensive than what I had. Just follow their instructions:

And be sure to use config-ui-x. Its really great for setting up the plugin.

Configuring Devices

These instructions are now a bit out of date. You can follow them to set up the plugin, but there is now a settings interface in config-ui-x which makes it much easier.


Why won't my device names change after I edit them in config.json


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