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jvmahon edited this page Mar 12, 2022 · 15 revisions

Welcome to the homebridge-homeseer wiki!

Homebridge-HomeSeer4 is a Homebridge plugin for the HomeSeer 3 and 4 home control systems (

If you're looking for help, please also review the entire ReadMe page at There's a lot of information there that isn't repeated in the wiki pages.

Index Of Wiki Pages

1. Installation of HomeBridge and Plugin

I've deleted most of my old instructions from this page. Homebridge has updated their instructions and they are now the ones to follow. See

Simply install the plugin from the config-ui-x by search for homebridge-homeseer4!


After the plugin installs, choose the tools icon (1) then "Bridge Settings" to set up the plugin as a child bridge (highly recommended to do this). Restart Homebridge, and go back to the Bridge settings to pair the child bridge with your iOS device. Finally, go to the settings tab (2) to start configuring devices.


** Recommendation - I recommend you install HomeBridge and the plugin on the same computer that you use for running HomeSeer. You'll get better performance that way. Homebridge and the plugin use extremely little processing power and you'll likely find that the delay and processing power of communicating over a network to a separate Homebridge box is likely greater than if you just have it all on one system. That being said, its a difference of fractions of a second -- I've done both and you'll get good performance either way.

2. Configuring HomeSeer - Enable the HomeSeer ASCII Commands Interface Port! Use a Static IP Address!

2.1 Turn on ASCII Interface

The plugin requires that you enable the HomeSeer ASCII Port interface. To do so, the "Enable control using ASCII commands" box must be selected on the HomeSeer "Network" settings page. From the "Tools" menu on the HomeSeer web page, select the "Setup" sub-menu and then the "Network" tab on the web page that appears. After making this change, You must re-start HomeSeer or the interface won't enable. Be sure to also keep the JSON interface enabled.

2.2 Use a Static IP Address

It is strongly recommended that your HomeSeer system use a static IP address. If you don't do this, there's a chance that if HomeSeer reboots, it could be assigned a different IP address invalidating the IP address you put in your config.json.

3. Setting Up Your Config.json file

First, consider whether you will need to run a single instance of Homebridge, or multiple. See Running Multiple Instances of Homebridge for guidance on this issue.

Setting Up Your Config.json file

And for reference, take a look at the sample configuration file config.sample.json located here: Sample Configuration Files, but note that the sample configuration file has what looks like comments in the file (lines beginning //). Your actual config.json file must delete all comments - they aren't allowed!

Supported Device Types which can be identified in Config.json include:

Lights and Switches Lightbulb Switch Outlet
Doors, Windows, Locks and Security Types: Lock Door GarageDoorOpener
Window WindowCovering SecuritySystem (HomeKit Alarm Type)
SensorTypes: CarbonMonoxideSensor CarbonDioxideSensor ContactSensor
HumiditySensor LeakSensor LightSensor
MotionSensor OccupancySensor SmokeSensor
Heating and Cooling Thermostat Fan
Miscellaneous Valve

Notes on specific types:

For those interested, a listing of all config.json device parameters (on a per-device-type basis is provided here: Listing of all Device Configuration Parameters. At present, its not well documented.

Pay Close Attention During First Run Startup: Be sure to pay attention to the screen messages displayed during HomeBridge startup -- particularly watch for messages displayed in red (which I've usually used when I stop further processing) or yellow(which I usually use for warnings).

4. Running HomeSeer Events

See Running HomeSeer Events

5. Starting HomeBridge at Boot Time

6. Solutions to Some Common Errors

Devices Not Appearing or Updating After A Change to Homebridge or config.json

7. Advanced Features



I've deleted most of my "old" installation instructions that used to be here. Homebridge has updated their instructions and they are now more comprehensive than what I had. Just follow their instructions:

And be sure to use config-ui-x. Its really great for setting up the plugin.

Configuring Devices

These instructions are now a bit out of date. You can follow them to set up the plugin, but there is now a settings interface in config-ui-x which makes it much easier.


Why won't my device names change after I edit them in config.json


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