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GitHub Page build warning email

Ryan Parman edited this page Mar 30, 2016 · 6 revisions

After adding the CNAME file with to your repo you will probably receive a email from GitHub:

The page build completed successfully, but returned the following warning:

Your site's DNS settings are using a custom subdomain,, that's not set up with an correct CNAME record. >We recommend you set this CNAME record to point at Instructions on configuring a subdomain for use >with GitHub Pages can be found at:

Thats because the JS.ORG domain doesn´t exist at that point, and when GitHub checks on it the request fails. But you can ignore this email and file your pull-request. As soon as your pull-request is processed and your subdomain has propagated through DNS (up to 24h, but often in less than 10 min) your page will be available under your subdomain.