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Parse incoming email with Cloudmailin

chriseidhof edited this page Dec 23, 2014 · 2 revisions
  • Generate a new UUID and copy it to your clipboard. Mac users, you can type uuidgen | pbcopy in your terminal to do this.
  • Create a new Webhook agent, paste in the UUID as your secret and set the payload path to .
  • In your new agent's summary, you'll see a URL like https://YOUR_DOMAIN/users/1/web_requests/15/YOUR_SECRET, copy that to your clipboard
  • Sign up for an account on Cloudmailin
  • In the second step, you'll be prompted for a URL, paste in your webhook URL. For the format, select 'JSON Format'

You're done. Send an email to the new email address that you get from Cloudmailin, and you'll see an event. You can hook up other agents to your new agent to process these events further.

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