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Agent configuration examples

Peter Thaleikis edited this page Jan 3, 2021 · 34 revisions

Agent Configuration Examples


Reddit Gold

Generate events whenever a comment receives gold on a specified subreddit. Here r/all is demonstrated.

  "expected_update_period_in_days": 2,
  "url": "",
  "type": "json",
  "mode": "on_change",
  "extract": {
    "body": { "path": "$.data.children[*].data.body" },
    "title": { "path": "$.data.children[*].data.link_title" }

Follow public posts on Google+

This can follow public posts of any page/person on Google+. An API key will be needed. In this example we are following +google.

  "expected_update_period_in_days": 2,
  "url": "<api-key>",
  "type": "json",
  "mode": "on_change",
  "extract": {
    "status": { "path": "$.items[*].object.content" },
    "title": { "path": "$.items[*].title" }

Follow stock prices

This can follow stock prices. Here we are showing Google and Apple. Replace with any other companies to get their stock updates.

  "expected_update_period_in_days": "2",
  "url" : ",AAPL/quote?format=json",
  "type": "json",
  "mode": "all",
  "extract":  {
                 "name"  : {"path": "$.list.resources[*]"},
                 "symbol": {"path": "$.list.resources[*].resource.fields.symbol"},
                 "price" : {"path": "$.list.resources[*].resource.fields.price"}

iTunes Trailers

This Agent follows iTunes trailers from the RSS feed.

  "url": "",
  "mode": "on_change",
  "type": "xml",
  "expected_update_period_in_days": "10",
  "extract": {
    "title": {
      "css": "item title",
      "value": ".//text()"
    "url": {
      "css": "item link",
      "value": ".//text()"

Bitcoin Rates

A Website Agent to collect Bitcoin rates.

  "expected_update_period_in_days": "2",
  "url": "",
  "type": "json",
  "mode": "on_change",
  "extract": {
    "24h": {
      "path": ".USD.24h"
    "7d": {
      "path": ".USD.7d"
    "30d": {
      "path": ".USD.30d"

Bitcoin Blockchain Watch.

A Website Agent to collect current blockchain height and timestamp.

  "expected_update_period_in_days": "2",
  "url": "",
  "type": "json",
  "mode": "on_change",
  "extract": {
    "height": {
      "path": "$.height"
    "timestamp": {
      "path": "$.time"

Webhook Agents

Parse incoming email with Cloudmailin


Bookmark with GimmeBar

As of 2015-02-20 you can replicate adding a page to Gimme Bar without API access by extracting the relevant cookies/fields from a POST request to Load a page you're going to bookmark, fire up a network inspector (e.g. Chromium's Developer Tools - Network tab) and use the Extension/Bookmarklet to add the page to your gimmebar. You should extract cookies: gimmebookmarklet and gimmebar.session, and the post field _csrf. With these you can setup a PostAgent:

  "post_url": "",
  "expected_receive_period_in_days": "1",
  "content_type": "form",
  "method": "post",
  "payload": {
    "source": "{{url}}",
    "url": "{{url}}",
    "title": "{{title}}",
    "private": "0",
    "use_prev": "0",
    "_csrf": "REPLACE_ME"
  "headers": {
    "Cookie": "gimmebookmarklet=REPLACE_ME; gimmebar.session=REPLACE_ME"
  "disable_ssl_verification": "true"

Wunderlist Agent

Make sure you set up a Wunderlist OAuth Application. Then authenticate against Wunderlist in the Services section of your huginn installation.

XKCD to Wunderlist

In your huginn instance go to Services -> Import Scenario and enter as the public scenario URL. Select the Wunderlist account you want to use, and confirm that you want to import that scenario.

Important: After the import you need to edit the XKCD Publisher (Wunderlist Agent). Click on Actions -> Edit agent and select the List you want to use to store new XKCD Comics.

Event Formatting Agent - Replace emails in event hash with URL

Easy way to filter and replace content in event using regexp_replace

  "instructions": {
    "message": "{{ content | regex_replace: '(\\S+)@(\\S+).(\\S+)', '{{url}} ' }}"

Google Calendar Publisher Agent in conjunction with the JavaScript Agent.

The following (very) long text described a solution, where google calendar entries where created out of data of an email:

Medium: Automate my marathon training with Huginn

The next example shows a workflow, of creating various Google Calendar entries based on a schedule:

Medium: Planning my gaming evening with Huginn

Flyertalk RSS to Email Alerts

Captures a new post, filters and sends via email:

Flyertalk RSS to Email Scenario

Daily updates from Github commits

Get an email digest of commits. Ugly formatting, so please feel free to improve!

Daily Update of Huginn Commits on Github

Else-If loops & formatting strings as numbers

Numbers are extracted as strings often and cause issues with comparators. One can either use multiply:1 to cast them as integers or otherwise use string length depending on the goal. Combined with if/elsif/else here:

 {% if total.size >= 7 %}${{total | divided_by:1000000 }}M{% elsif total.size >=6 %}${{round_raised | divided_by:1000}}K{% else %}below $100,000{% endif %}

Get today's date in Liquid Formatting

This is useful for the subject line in Daily EmailDigestAgent agents

{% assign current_date = 'now' | date: '%s' %} {{current_date | date: \"%a, %b %d, %Y\" }}

Amazon Pricewatch

Get an email whenever something drops below a certain price on Amazon

Amazon (UK) Product Watch

Aftership - Automatic detection of courier of the tracking number.

  "api_key": "5fc988d0-9d08-4a5f-88a6-4h4j4j5j5j59",
  "path": "trackings/499552045343999"

Dell Firmware Update Notifier

Retrieves current firmware lists from Dell in json format and filters for new BIOS changes.

Dell Firmware Update Notifier

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