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hooverdirt edited this page Jan 24, 2012 · 4 revisions

Brief instructions


  1. Download/checkout sources
  2. Either use SharpDevelop or VS Express (2010) to build the whole project.
    1. Optional: Either use SharpDevelop or the WIX tool chain to build the installers (x86/x64)
  3. There are a couple of Post-Build events that will 'recreate' the folder structure (LocalAppData) of a regular Convendro installation.
  4. That should be it!


  1. Download FFMPeg for Windows: FFMPeg is not part of the source tree but is part of the installer/build.
  2. Download the sources
  3. Load the VS solution and build
  4. Move/copy all files from folder 'documents' to the bin directory (note that most of these files will be copied to the user's data directory during a normal setup).
  5. Copy FFMpeg as well to this folder.
  6. Run. import either the Videora or WinFF file into your current presets file (Ignore silly warnings that might popup).
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