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Armin Burgmeier edited this page Aug 8, 2014 · 1 revision

The directory-sync plugin

The directory-sync plugin is similar to the autosave plugin, however instead of storing documents in the root-directory of the infinoted server, an alternative directory is given to the plugin, and it saves all documents in plain text format in that alternative directory. This allows third-party tools that operate on plain text documents instead of infinote's XML representation to run on the documents available at the infinote server. Obviously, the authorship information is not preserved for the document copies in that "synchronized" directory.

Plugin options

  • directory: Specifies the directory in which the documents should be saved in plain text format. If the directory does not exist, it is created. If full directory structure of the infinote server will be replicated, but documents will only show up there once there are changes to them on the server.
  • interval: Specifies the interval, in seconds, after which a document is saved in the given directory after it has been first modified. It must be a number greater than 0.
  • hook (opt): If given, specifies an executable file that is run every time a document is saved. The executable is provided two arguments: The first is the path to the document in the infinote directory, and the second the full absolute path of the file that has just been written inside directory.



Stores a plain text copy of all documents every 10s inside the /home/ck/infinote-sync directory.

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