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GMS System Expansion

Malachi Griffith edited this page May 28, 2014 · 2 revisions

(under development)

Step 1. Add a host to the network running Ubuntu 12.04 Step 2. Ensure you can log into the remote matchine with ssh without a password, and can sudo Step 3. On the original machine, run this: genome sys node add $IP ##FIXME: not pushed

To work with expanding the system beyond one node:

genome sys node list    ##FIXME not pushed
genome sys node add     ##FIXME not pushed
genome sys node remove  ##FIXME not pushed

To make the GMS aware of disk at a given mount point:

genome disk volume list
genome disk volume attach               ##FIXME not pushed
genome disk volume detach               ##FIXME not pushed
genome disk volume disable-allocation   ##FIXME not pushed
genome disk volume enable-allocation    ##FIXME not pushed

To attach/detach other systems:

genome sys gateway list
genome sys gateway attach
genome sys gateway detach

Because the system always uses unique paths, data across systems can be federated easily. No path to any data you generate will match the path anyone else uses, allowing mounting and copying of data to occur without collisions.

There is a special GMS user and group on every system, with a name like gms$GENOME_SYS_ID

finger gms$GENOME_SYS_ID ##FIXME: still using the genome user
groups gms$GENOME_SYS_ID ##FIXME: still using the genome group

All users on a given GMS installation will also be members of the above group.

To do this for new users beyond the user that installs the system, run:

genome sys user init ##FIXME: not pushed

When other GMS installations give your installation permissions, they will add a user with that name and give permissions to that user. When you attach their systems, you will do so as that user, and their data will, conversely, be owned by the matching user on your system.

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