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Code Academy

Caleb Fynewever edited this page Oct 2, 2023 · 3 revisions

When we create programs we use a programming language to communicate with the computer. There are a variety of programming languages, but the one we use to program our awesome robots and projects on our team is called Java.

If you have never written any code in Java before or you want a refresher on the basics, this is the place to start! Go at your own pace, work on this at meetings or at home, whatever feels right for you. You will get 2 team points for finishing (1 for every 3 lessons)!

  1. Create a free account on Codecademy
  2. Got to the "Learn Java" course and click "Start"
  3. Complete lessons 1-6 (try and read most of the stuff on there, it is pretty useful):
    • Hello World
    • Variables
    • Object-Oriented Java
    • Conditionals and Control Flow
    • Arrays and ArrayLists
    • Loops

Although we will be skipping some topics covered by these lessons, feel free to come back at any point to complete the rest of the courses for a fuller understanding of Java!