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@eoyilmaz eoyilmaz released this 11 Mar 22:59
· 88 commits to master since this release
  • Update: Support for DB backends other than Postgresql has been dropped. This is done to greatly benefit from a code that is highly optimized only for one DB backend. With this change, all of the tests should be inherited from the stalker.tests.UnitTestBase class.

  • New: All the DateTime fields in Stalker are now TimeZone aware and Stalker stores the DateTime values in UTC. Naive datetime values are not supported anymore. You should use a library like pytz to supply timezone information as shown below::

    import datetime
    import pytz
    from stalker import db, SimpleEntity
    new_simple_entity = SimpleEntity(
        name='New Simple Entity',
        date_created =
  • Fix: The default values for date_created and date_updated has now been properly set to a partial function that returns the current time.

  • Fix: Previously it was possible to enter two TimeLogs for the same resource in the same datetime range by committing the data from two different sessions simultaneously. Thus the database was not aware that it should prevent that. Now with the new PostgreSQL only implementation and the ExcludeConstraint of PostgreSQL an IntegrityError is raised by the database backend when something like that happens.

  • Update: All the tests those are checking the system against an Exception is being raised or not are now checking also the exception message.

  • Update: In the TimeLog class, the raised OverBookedException message has now been made clear by adding the start and end date values of the clashing TimeLog instance.

  • Update: Removed the unnecessary computed_start and computed_end columns from Task class, which are already defined in the DateRangeMixin which is a super for the Task class.