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* **Update:** Updated the SQL query in ``TaskJugglerScheduler._create…
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
…_tjp_file_content()`` for more consistent results.

* **Update:** Added tests to increase code coverage.
  • Loading branch information
eoyilmaz committed Mar 11, 2017
1 parent 2a2f30f commit f4e5d67
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Showing 5 changed files with 257 additions and 211 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion stalker/
Expand Up @@ -538,7 +538,8 @@ def __setitem__(self, name, value):
return setattr(self, name, value)

def __delitem__(self, name):
delattr(self, name)
# delattr(self, name)

def __contains__(self, name):
return name in self.config_values
Expand Down
336 changes: 159 additions & 177 deletions stalker/models/
Expand Up @@ -220,17 +220,16 @@ def _create_tjp_file_content(self):
conn = db.DBSession.connection()
engine = conn.engine

if == 'postgresql':
template = Template(defaults.tjp_main_template2)
template = Template(defaults.tjp_main_template2)

if not self.projects:
project_ids = db.DBSession.connection().execute(
'select id, code from "Projects"'
project_ids = [[] for project in self.projects]
if not self.projects:
project_ids = db.DBSession.connection().execute(
'select id, code from "Projects"'
project_ids = [[] for project in self.projects]

sql_query = """select
sql_query = """select
coalesce("Tasks".parent_id, "Tasks".project_id) as parent_id,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -346,192 +345,175 @@ def _create_tjp_file_content(self):
--order by "Tasks".id
order by path_as_text"""

result_buffer = []
num_of_records = 0

# run it per project
for pr in project_ids:
p_id = pr[0]
#p_code = pr[1]

sql_query_pp = sql_query % {'id': p_id}
result = db.DBSession.connection().execute(sql_query_pp)

# start by adding the project first
result_buffer.append('task Project_%s "Project_%s" {' % (p_id, p_id))

# now start jumping around
previous_level = 0
for r in result.fetchall():
# start by appending task tjp id first
task_id = r[0]
# path = r[1]
# parent_id = r[2]
# entity_type = r[3]
#name = r[4]
priority = r[5]
schedule_timing = r[6]
schedule_unit = r[7]
schedule_model = r[8]
allocation_strategy = r[9]
persistent_allocation = r[10]
depth = r[11] + 1
resource_ids = r[12]
alternative_resource_ids = r[13]
time_log_array = r[14]
dependency_info = r[15]
is_leaf = r[16]

tab = ' ' * depth

# close the previous level if necessary
for i in range(previous_level - depth + 1):
i_tab = ' ' * (previous_level - i)
result_buffer.append('%s}' % i_tab)
result_buffer = []
num_of_records = 0

# run it per project
for pr in project_ids:
p_id = pr[0]
#p_code = pr[1]

sql_query_pp = sql_query % {'id': p_id}
result = db.DBSession.connection().execute(sql_query_pp)

# start by adding the project first
result_buffer.append('task Project_%s "Project_%s" {' % (p_id, p_id))

# now start jumping around
previous_level = 0
for r in result.fetchall():
# start by appending task tjp id first
task_id = r[0]
# path = r[1]
# parent_id = r[2]
# entity_type = r[3]
#name = r[4]
priority = r[5]
schedule_timing = r[6]
schedule_unit = r[7]
schedule_model = r[8]
allocation_strategy = r[9]
persistent_allocation = r[10]
depth = r[11] + 1
resource_ids = r[12]
alternative_resource_ids = r[13]
time_log_array = r[14]
dependency_info = r[15]
is_leaf = r[16]

tab = ' ' * depth

# close the previous level if necessary
for i in range(previous_level - depth + 1):
i_tab = ' ' * (previous_level - i)
result_buffer.append('%s}' % i_tab)

"""%(tab)stask Task_%(id)s "Task_%(id)s" {""" % {
'tab': tab,
'id': task_id

# append priority if it is different then 500
if priority != 500:
"""%(tab)stask Task_%(id)s "Task_%(id)s" {""" % {
'tab': tab,
'id': task_id
'%s priority %s' % (tab, priority))

# append dependency information
if dependency_info:
dep_buffer = ['%s depends ' % tab]

json_data = json.loads(
dependency_info.replace('{', '[')
.replace('}', ']')
.replace('(', '')
.replace(')', '')
) # it is an array of string

for i, dep in enumerate(json_data):
if i > 0:
dep_buffer.append(', ')

dep_full_ids, \
dependency_target, \
gap_timing, \
gap_unit, \
gap_model = dep.split(',')

dep_full_path = '.'.join(
map(lambda x: 'Task_%s' % x,
# fix for Project id
dep_full_path = 'Project_%s' % dep_full_path[5:]

# append priority if it is different then 500
if priority != 500:
'%s priority %s' % (tab, priority))
dep_string = '%s {%s}' % (
dep_full_path, dependency_target)

# append dependency information
if dependency_info:
dep_buffer = ['%s depends ' % tab]

json_data = json.loads(
dependency_info.replace('{', '[')
.replace('}', ']')
.replace('(', '')
.replace(')', '')
) # it is an array of string

for i, dep in enumerate(json_data):
if i > 0:
dep_buffer.append(', ')

dep_full_ids, \
dependency_target, \
gap_timing, \
gap_unit, \
gap_model = dep.split(',')
# append schedule model and timing information
# if this is a leaf task and has resources
if is_leaf and resource_ids:
'%s %s %s%s' % (
tab, schedule_model, schedule_timing,

dep_full_path = '.'.join(
map(lambda x: 'Task_%s' % x,
# fix for Project id
dep_full_path = 'Project_%s' % dep_full_path[5:]
resource_buffer = ['%s allocate ' % tab]
for i, resource_id in enumerate(resource_ids):
if i > 0:
resource_buffer.append(', ')
resource_buffer.append('User_%s' % resource_id)

# now go through alternatives
if alternative_resource_ids:
resource_buffer.append(' { alternative ')
for j, alt_resource_id in \
if j > 0:
resource_buffer.append(', ')
'User_%s' % alt_resource_id)

dep_string = '%s {%s}' % (
dep_full_path, dependency_target)
# set the allocation strategy
' select %s' % allocation_strategy)

# is is persistent
if persistent_allocation:
resource_buffer.append(' persistent')
resource_buffer.append(' }')


# append schedule model and timing information
# if this is a leaf task and has resources
if is_leaf and resource_ids:
'%s %s %s%s' % (
tab, schedule_model, schedule_timing,
# append any time log information
print('time_log_array: %s' % time_log_array)
if time_log_array:
json_data = json.loads(
time_log_array.replace('{', '[')
.replace('}', ']')
.replace('(', '')
.replace(')', '')
) # it is an array of string

resource_buffer = ['%s allocate ' % tab]
for i, resource_id in enumerate(resource_ids):
if i > 0:
resource_buffer.append(', ')
resource_buffer.append('User_%s' % resource_id)

# now go through alternatives
if alternative_resource_ids:
resource_buffer.append(' { alternative ')
for j, alt_resource_id in \
if j > 0:
resource_buffer.append(', ')
'User_%s' % alt_resource_id)

# set the allocation strategy
' select %s' % allocation_strategy)

# is is persistent
if persistent_allocation:
resource_buffer.append(' persistent')
resource_buffer.append(' }')


# append any time log information
if time_log_array:
json_data = json.loads(
time_log_array.replace('{', '[')
.replace('}', ']')
.replace('(', '')
.replace(')', '')
) # it is an array of string

for tlog in json_data:
user_id, t_start, t_end = tlog.split(',')
'%s booking %s %s - %s { overtime 2 }' % (
tab, user_id, t_start, t_end
for tlog in json_data:
user_id, t_start, t_end = tlog.split(',')
'%s booking %s %s - %s { overtime 2 }' % (
tab, user_id, t_start, t_end

previous_level = depth
num_of_records += 1
previous_level = depth
num_of_records += 1

# and close the brackets per project
depth = 0 # current depth is 0 (Project)
# previous_level is the last task
for i in range(previous_level - depth + 1):
i_tab = ' ' * (previous_level - i)
result_buffer.append('%s}' % i_tab)
# and close the brackets per project
depth = 0 # current depth is 0 (Project)
# previous_level is the last task
for i in range(previous_level - depth + 1):
i_tab = ' ' * (previous_level - i)
result_buffer.append('%s}' % i_tab)

tasks_buffer = '\n'.join(result_buffer)
tasks_buffer = '\n'.join(result_buffer)

self.tjp_content = template.render({
'stalker': stalker,
'csv_file_name': self.temp_file_name,
'csv_file_full_path': self.temp_file_full_path,
'compute_resources': self.compute_resources,
'tasks_buffer': tasks_buffer
self.tjp_content = template.render({
'stalker': stalker,
'csv_file_name': self.temp_file_name,
'csv_file_full_path': self.temp_file_full_path,
'compute_resources': self.compute_resources,
'tasks_buffer': tasks_buffer

'total number of records: %s' % num_of_records

# fallback to the previous implementation
template = Template(defaults.tjp_main_template)

if self.projects:
projects = self.projects
projects =

self.tjp_content = template.render({
'stalker': stalker,
'projects': projects,
'csv_file_name': self.temp_file_name,
'csv_file_full_path': self.temp_file_full_path,
'compute_resources': self.compute_resources
'total number of records: %s' % num_of_records

end = time.time()
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