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[RSS 2021] An End-to-End Differentiable Framework for Contact-Aware Robot Design


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DiffRedMax (previously DiffHand)

This repository contains the simulator developed for the paper An End-to-End Differentiable Framework for Contact-Aware Robot Design (RSS 2021) and Efficient Tactile Simulation with Differentiability for Robotic Manipulation (CoRL 2022).

DiffRedMax is a differentiable simulator with penalty-based contact model and supports implicit time integration. It also supports simulating dense tactile force field of both normal and shear directional tactile forces. It also provides the analytical first-order simulation gradients with respect to all the control input and simulation parameters (including kinemactics and dynamics parameters).

In An End-to-End Differentiable Framework for Contact-Aware Robot Design, we propose a fully differentiable pipeline to jointly optimize the morphology and control of manipulator robots. At the core of the framework is a deformation-based morphology parameterization and a differentiable simulation.

The framework itself is general and not limited to manipulator robots, we select the case study of manipulator robots because of its complexity and contact-rich nature. Welcome to try our code on any other types robots as well.



We provides two methods for installation of the code. Install on local machine and Install by Docker.

Option 1: Install on Local Machine

Operating System: tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.04

  1. Clone the project from github: git clone --recursive .

  2. Install CMake >= 3.1.0: official instruction for cmake installation

  3. build conda environment and install simulation

    cd DiffHand
    conda env create -f environment.yml
    conda activate diffhand
    cd core
    python install
  4. Test the installation

    cd examples

    If you see a simulation rendering with a two-link pendulum as below, you have successfully installed the code base.


Option 2: Install by Docker

We provide a docker installation in the docker folder. Follow the readme instruction in docker folder to complete the installation.

Code Structure

There are two main components of the code base:

  • Differentiable RedMax: core. The differentiable redmax is based off RedMax and further makes if fully differentiable. It provides the simulation derivatives w.r.t. both simulation parameters (kinematics- and dynamics-related parameter) and control actions. It is implemented in C++ for computing efficiency. We provide a simulation document for mathematical details of our differentiable RedMax.
  • Morphology and Control Co-Optimization: examples/DiffHand. The examples in RSS 2021 paper. We build an end-to-end differentiable framework to co-optimize both the morphology and control of manipulators. We use L-BFGS-B as our default gradient-based optimizer and also provides the source code for the gradient-free baseline methods.

Run the Code

It is recommended to try out the scripts in play with redmax simulation first if you would like to get familiar with simulation interface.

Run the examples in the DiffHand paper

We include the four co-design tasks from the paper in the examples/DiffHand folder.

  • Finger Reach
  • Rotate Cube
  • Flip Box
  • Assemble

To run the L-BFGS-B optimization with our deformation-based design parameterization, you can enter the corresponding folder and run under the folder. For example, to run Finger Reach,

cd examples/DiffHand/rss_finger_reach

Run batch experiments of baseline algorithms

We include the gradient-free baselines (except RL) and the control-only baseline in this repository. For the RL baseline, we use the released code from Luck et al with some modifications to our proposed morphology parameterization.

To run the baseline algorithms or our method in a batch mode, enter the corresponding folder and run For example, to run Flip Cube with CMA-ES,

cd examples/rss_finger_flip
python --method CMA --num-seeds 5 --num-processes 5 --save-dir ./results/

Play with redmax simulation

We provide several examples to test the forward simulation and its differentiability.

  • examples/ provides the script to show how to run forward simulation and rendering. It can be easily executed by:

    python --model hand_sphere

    You are expected to see the rendered simulation as below:


    Here, you can also try other models provided in assets folder (models are described by xml configuration files).

  • examples/ provides an example for using the backward gradients of the simulation. In this example, we use gradient-based optimization to optimize the control sequence of a pendulum finger model to flick a cube to a target location. Run it by:


    The initial control sequence is shown first and you can press [Esc] to close the rendering and start the optimization. After successful optimization, you will see a rendering as below:


  • examples/ provides an example for simulating the dense tactile force field of a rolling ball experiment. Run it by:

    python --render

    It will first show two windows (as shown first row below) showing animated depth map of normal tactile force field (left) and animated tactile force field (right). Then it will show the simulation animation (second row).

    tactile_depth_map tactile_force_map



If you find our papers or code is useful, please consider citing:

    AUTHOR    = {Jie Xu AND Tao Chen AND Lara Zlokapa AND Michael Foshey AND Wojciech Matusik AND Shinjiro Sueda AND Pulkit Agrawal}, 
    TITLE     = {{An End-to-End Differentiable Framework for Contact-Aware Robot Design}}, 
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems}, 
    YEAR      = {2021}, 
    ADDRESS   = {Virtual}, 
    MONTH     = {July}, 
    DOI       = {10.15607/RSS.2021.XVII.008} 
    TITLE     = {Efficient Tactile Simulation with Differentiability for Robotic Manipulation},
    AUTHOR    = {Jie Xu and Sangwoon Kim and Tao Chen and Alberto Rodriguez Garcia and Pulkit Agrawal and Wojciech Matusik and Shinjiro Sueda},
    BOOKTITLE = {6th Annual Conference on Robot Learning},
    YEAR      = {2022},
    URL       = {}