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Releases: dcutting/Song

Unicode string support

07 Apr 16:12
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You can now process real unicode strings:

> text = "I like cafés! 😀"
> text.reverse
"😀 !séfac ekil I"

Also added support for literal newlines and tabs using \n, \r, and \t escape sequences.

Standard Library

03 Apr 23:23
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Some useful functions are now available as part of a standard library, including:

> "abc".length

> [1,2,3].reverse

> [1,2,3].map(|x| x*2)

> [4,6,1,2,2].sort

> 5.cubed

> "hello there world".split
["hello", "there", "world"]

> ["a", "b", "c"].join(":")

Fix lexical scoping

03 Apr 00:21
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Song is supposed to be lexically scoped, but a bug meant that in many cases it was actually dynamically scoped leading to lots of confusion.

E.g. the following was surprisingly returning 2 rather than throwing an error:

foo() = n
bar(n) = foo()

This release tightens up the lexical scoping rules to behave as you would expect in most functional and C-style languages.

Tail call optimisation

31 Mar 21:09
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Function calls in the tail position of a function declaration are now trampolined to prevent stack overflows.

This means you can now loop effectively infinitely with a recursive call, which is important because Song does not have imperative loops.


loop() = Do
  "n? ".in.number.fib.out

Warn user if script looks incomplete

09 Mar 15:44
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Warn user if script finishes parsing but looks incomplete, rather than silently failing.


09 Mar 11:56
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Song can now read input from stdin!

name = in("What is your name? ")
out("Hello", name)

You can also print to stderr using the err() built-in function (as well as stdout with out()).

Also fixed is a bug that prevented some command-line arguments beginning with hyphens (such as negative numbers) from being passed to Song scripts.

Function call bug fixes

08 Mar 21:25
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Fix some edge cases for wrapped arguments in function calls.
Restrict lambdas from matching literals apart from lists and list constructors.

Bugfix for function parameter shadowing

07 Mar 17:42
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Fix serious bug that meant parameters in functions that shadowed existing declarations would require pattern equality.

Improved function calls

07 Mar 11:56
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Massive improvements to function call parsing. You should now be able to mix free/subject/lambdas in function calls in almost any way you can imagine. Closes #68. E.g.:


Repeated variables in patterns now need to be equal. Closes #38.
Bail in script mode when an error is hit, rather than trying to carry on. Closes #76.

Truncate floats to ints; clean up bugs with functions; change scope semantics

04 Mar 23:52
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Permit scopes to appear as terms in expressions.
Permit anonymous functions as the subject of function calls.
Built-in truncate function converts floats to ints. Other conversion functions are built on top of this. Closes #77.
Properly support unary - and + operators for arbitrary expressions, not just numerical literals. Closes #79.
Move subfunction pattern matching logic into closure expressions, which means you can pass named functions as arguments to functions that expect a lambda. Closes #61.
Change scope semantics such that if a new named function is declared that shadows the same name outside the scope, the one outside is completely ignored during evaluation of the scope.