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Andres Cabrera edited this page Oct 16, 2015 · 5 revisions

icsound is a python module that wraps the csound engine to simplify interactive csound usage within the ipython notebook.


icsound is included in the main Csound distribution, and should be intalled in your default python directory when you install csound. If it isn't (or you need to install it for a different installation of python), you will need to copy from the frontends directory in the csound sources to your python modules directory.

icsound requires pylab (which in turn depends on numpy and matplotlib) to run.

##Usage The following notebook shows how to start icsound and how to communicate with it to send instrument definitions, function tables and realtime events.

##Example notebooks

##Credits icsound was written by Andrés Cabrera and uses work from Jacob Joaquin and François Pinot.