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Fixing Windrvr 6 Error In Xilinx

jhirata edited this page Mar 5, 2014 · 4 revisions

I think we might have it figured out now...

This worked with Fedora 19 and Xilinx 14.6. It hasn't been tested in other environments.

It turns out that there are different drivers for the different programmers and they each require different installation steps.

Digilent drivers including HS1, HS2, Nexus/Atlys/NetFPGA7 but NOT the XUP USB-JTAG Programming Cable

To get Digilent drivers installed (includes HS1, HS2, Nexus and Atlys style boards, and the NetFPGA7) run the install script at
$XILINX/bin/lin64/digilent/ You must first 'cd' into the digilent directory before running the install script.

cd /opt/Xilinx/14.6/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin64/digilent/
sudo ./

I chose to use the defaults for all of the questions that it asked. I recommend that you do the same.

When the installation is finished, it installs a ".cse" folder into /root. You'll want to move the .cse folder into your own home folder. You'll also want to take ownership of the files.

sudo cp -r /root/.cse ~/
sudo chown -R jhirata:users ~/.cse

Use your own username. Unless of course you're me. And you're not. So use your own username.

Installing the digilent drivers gives you access to the HS1 and HS2. Moving the .cse folder into your own home folder lets you use the drivers for the NetFPGA7.

Xilinx Programmers including XUP USB-JTAG Programming Cable

As a reminder: The XUP USB-JTAG Programming Cable is the black block looking programmer. Check out Xilinx's website if you want to see a picture.

To install drivers for the Xilinx Programmers (including the XUP USB-JTAG Programming Cable from Digilent) you'll need to run the script from This script is based off of the "setup_usb" script found in $XILINX/bin/lin64/setup_usb. When you run it, be sure to specify the correct installation path for your Xilinx installation.

Make sure you unplug and then replug in your programmer after doing all of this. Hopefully it works.