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ISSRseq R Analyses

Sandra Jeanne Simon edited this page Oct 14, 2021 · 33 revisions


The purpose of this script is to provide a guide to the simple population genetic analyses used in our manuscript "ISSRseq: an extensible method for reduced representation sequencing". More specifically result examples displayed here are from our analysis of the C. striata dataset. Packages utilized here are capable of of a large variety of analyses not presented in our work. Additionally, figures in this document were finalized in Adobe Illustrator for publication but can be edited to increase quality within R by the user.

Package Install

Package for data processing from VCF file


Packages for population genetic analyses (AMOVA, bootstrapping ect.)

library(poppr); library(adegenet); library(ape); library(mmod); 
library(magrittr); library(hierfstat); library(pegas); library(qvalue)

Package for local adaptation analysis.


Package for admixture analysis


Packages for figures and plots

library(ggplot2); library(plot3D); library(plotly); library(igraph);
library(RColorBrewer); library(grid); library(R.devices)

Package for Wes Anderson themed color palettes (Range 4-5 colors).
Choices include: BottleRocket1, BottleRocket2, Rushmore1, Royal1, Royal2, Zissou1, Darjeeling1, Darjeeling2, Chevalier1, FantasticFox1, Moonrise1, Moonrise2, Moonrise3, Cavalcanti1, GrandBudapest1, GrandBudapest2, IsleofDogs1, IsleofDogs2


Importing and formatting datasets for analysis

  1. Import GATK filtered VCF file.
filtered_vcf <- read.vcfR("striata_vcf_thinned.recode.vcf")
  1. VCF can be stored as different object types including genlight (binary variants), genid (allelic counts), and genclone (multilocus genotype for clonal populations).
my_genlight <- vcfR2genlight(filtered_vcf)
my_genind <- vcfR2genind(filtered_vcf)
  1. Import sample ID and population map.
pop_data <- read.table("Striata_allsamples.txt", sep = "\t", header = FALSE)
  1. Example of population sample file. V1 = Individual; V2 = Sampling locality; V3 = Region; V4 = Combination of V1, V2, and V3.
       V1        V2                    V3                                   V4
1 103a_NM  Otero-NM var-vreelandii-SW-USA  103a_Otero-NM_var-vreelandii-SW-USA
2 103b_NM  Otero-NM var-vreelandii-SW-USA  103b_Otero-NM_var-vreelandii-SW-USA
3 103d_NM  Otero-NM var-vreelandii-SW-USA  103d_Otero-NM_var-vreelandii-SW-USA
4 103e_NM  Otero-NM var-vreelandii-SW-USA  103e_Otero-NM_var-vreelandii-SW-USA
5 110a_AZ Graham-AZ var-vreelandii-SW-USA 110a_Graham-AZ_var-vreelandii-SW-USA
6 110b_AZ Graham-AZ var-vreelandii-SW-USA 110b_Graham-AZ_var-vreelandii-SW-USA
  1. Make sure to double check that the order of individuals between your population sample file and variant matrix match.
[1] "103a_NM"   "103b_NM"   "103d_NM"   "103e_NM"   "110a_AZ"   "110b_AZ"  
[7] "110c_AZ"   "112b_AZ"   "114a_UT"   "114b_UT"   "114c_UT"   "114d_UT"  
[13] "116a_UT"   "116b_UT"   "116c_UT"   "116d_UT"   "116e_UT"   "120a_UT"  
[19] "120b_UT"   "120c_UT"   "120d_UT"   "120e_UT"   "135a_WY"   "135b_WY"  
[25] "135c_WY"   "135d_WY"   "13b_OR"    "13c_OR"    "163a_CO"   "163b_CO"  
[31] "163c_CO"   "163d_CO"   "163e_CO"   "177_4_ID"  "177_5_ID"  "177a_ID"  
[37] "177b_ID"   "187_1_MT"  "187_2_MT"  "187_3_MT"  "187_4_MT"  "187_5_MT" 
[43] "219b_BC"   "219c_BC"   "242a_CA"   "242b_CA"   "242c_CA"   "242d_CA"  
[49] "242e_CA"   "246b_CA"   "246f_CA"   "246g_CA"   "253a_CA"   "253b_CA"  
[55] "253c_CA"   "253d_CA"   "253e_CA"   "29a_OR"    "29b_OR"    "312a_CA"  
[61] "312b_CA"   "312c_CA"   "350a_OR"   "350b_OR"   "374c_CA"   "374d_CA"  
[67] "374e_CA"   "374f_CA"   "374g_CA"   "39a_WA"    "39b_WA"    "427a_CA"  
[73] "427b_CA"   "428b_CA"   "432a_CA"   "432b_CA"   "432c_CA"   "432d_CA"  
[79] "48a_WA"    "48b_WA"    "9a_CA"     "HeshA_Man" "HeshB_Man"
  1. Set the ploidy of your individuals and assign the population groups you want to use for PCA. Here we have used C. striata region from the population sample file.
ploidy(my_genlight) <- 2; 
ploidy(my_genind) <- 2;
pop(my_genlight) <- pop_data$V3;
pop(my_genind) <- pop_data$V3
  1. Next assign strata to your variant matrix for use in building hierarchies in AMOVA.
samplingstrata <-$V4);
strata(my_genlight) <- samplingstrata;
strata(my_genind) <- samplingstrata;
splitStrata(my_genlight) <- ~Individual/Locality/Region;
splitStrata(my_genind) <- ~Individual/Locality/Region
  1. Finally, you can create datasets from your genlight and genind objects that are helpful in analyzing clonal populations.
my_snpclone <- poppr::as.snpclone(my_genlight)
my_genclone <- poppr::as.genclone(my_genind)

Analysis of molecular variance with the poppr package

For more information about the poppr package:

AMOVA with hierarchy of Sampling locality within Region

striata_AMOVA <- poppr.amova(my_genclone, ~Region/Locality, within = TRUE)
Variable Df Sum Sq Mean Sq
Between Region 4 2219.0865 554.77162
Between samples Within Region 20 919.4987 45.97493
Within samples 58 1634.8983 28.1879
Total 82 4773.4835 58.21321
Variable Sigma %
Variations Between Region 32.607068 49.215815
Variations Between samples Within Region 5.458261 8.238483
Variations Within samples 28.187902 42.545702
Total variations 66.253231 100.000000
Variable Phi
Phi-samples-total 0.574543
Phi-samples-Region 0.1622254
Phi-Region-total 0.4921581

Permutational significance test for AMOVA

striatasignif <- randtest(striata_AMOVA, nrepet = 999)
class: krandtest lightkrandtest 
Monte-Carlo tests
Call: randtest.amova(xtest = striata_AMOVA, nrepet = 999)

Number of tests:   3 

Adjustment method for multiple comparisons:   none 
Permutation number:   999 
                        Test         Obs     Std.Obs      Alter Pvalue
1  Variations within samples   28.187902  -18.897416       less  0.001
2 Variations between samples    5.458261    9.983612    greater  0.001
3  Variations between Region   32.607068   12.168321    greater  0.001

Population statistics and pairwise Fst with hierfstat package

Convert genind objects from adegenet into a hierfstat data and calculate population statistics. Here we have used Region as our defined population.

my_genindFst <- genind2hierfstat(my_genind);
basicstat <- basic.stats(my_genindFst, diploid = TRUE, digits = 4)
Ho Hs Ht Dst Htp Dstp Fst Fstp Fis Dest
0.0765 0.0955 0.1191 0.0236 0.1274 0.032 0.1983 0.2509 0.1992 0.0353

Calculate pairwise Fst with method options: "Dch","Da","Ds","Fst","Dm","Dr","Cp", "WC84, "Nei87", or "X2"

pairwiseFst<-genet.dist(my_genind, method = "WC84")
                      var-vreelandii-SW-USA   var-striata-N-USA  Sierra-Nevada
var-striata-N-USA                 0.31484853                                
Sierra-Nevada                     0.25325256         0.23539583              
Coast-Ranges-Cascades             0.29789541         0.27089574     0.09334809

Principle component analysis (PCA) with adegenet package

Run PCA and after evaluating eigenvalues select appropriate number of axes. Here we have chosen 4 axes for our analysis.

aPCA <- glPca(my_genlight)

Determine percent variance explained by PCA axes.

eig.perc <- 100*aPCA$eig/sum(aPCA$eig)


[1] 12.7551258 10.5229880  4.9075508  2.9516855  2.1872124  1.8943962  1.8237295  1.8147981  1.6610328  1.5865176  1.5297921
[12]  1.4929874  1.4284810  1.3926084  1.3787864  1.3478963  1.3056970  1.2782287  1.2640752  1.2381259  1.2002892  1.1772555
[23]  1.1664989  1.1529655  1.1119130  1.0835264  1.0725911  1.0583647  1.0469517  1.0139171  0.9782371  0.9637621  0.9448887
[34]  0.9330783  0.9137121  0.8833411  0.8606239  0.8544544  0.8453463  0.8270547  0.8178980  0.8020338  0.7815581  0.7718478
[45]  0.7626070  0.7362362  0.7335280  0.7184904  0.7027461  0.6818578  0.6781932  0.6739189  0.6680140  0.6479063  0.6473984
[56]  0.6386501  0.6286747  0.6137138  0.6083952  0.5976042  0.5881836  0.5680544  0.5604242  0.5404736  0.5261534  0.5233942
[67]  0.5154044  0.5036466  0.4968981  0.4854849  0.4774669  0.4674792  0.4582305  0.4420337  0.4292758  0.4233475  0.4077924
[78]  0.3891733  0.3853907  0.3687565  0.3521972  0.3289799

Plot 3D PCA results

aPCApoints<$scores, row.names = TRUE)
colors <- wes_palette(n = 4, name = "Moonrise2")
colors <- colors[as.numeric(my_genlight@pop)]
scatter3D(aPCApoints$PC1, aPCApoints$PC2, aPCApoints$PC3, theta = 290, phi = 40, bty = "g",pch = 20, cex = 2, ticktype = "detailed", colvar = NULL, col = colors)

Discriminant Analysis of Principle Components (DAPC) with adegenet package

For more information about DAPC in the ADEgenet package:

Before starting analysis determine an appropriate number of axes and clusters.

grp <- find.clusters(my_snpclone, max.n.clust = 40)

Run DAPC to determine membership probabilities.

vcf_dapc <- dapc(my_snpclone, n.pca = 4, n.da = 5)

Create a dot plot of DAPC results

scatter(vcf_dapc, col = wes_palette(n = 4, name = "Moonrise2"), xax = 1, yax = 3, cex = 2, scree.da=FALSE, legend = TRUE, grp = my_snpclone@pop)

Create a component plot of membership probabilities (current figure displays every other individual in dataset).

barplot(t(DPACmatrix[,1:4]), col = wes_palette(n = 4, name = "Moonrise2"), border = NA, space = 0,
        ylab = "Membership probability", name = DPACmatrix$individual, las=2, legend = TRUE, cex.axis = 0.5, cex.names = 0.3)