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Pascal Gauthier edited this page Sep 25, 2020 · 3 revisions

To check the dexed version, simply click on logo to show the about box.


The dexed installer will only install the 64-bit version since VST3 32-bit is pretty rare.


macOS Catalina: When installing the Dexed package, don't forget to hit "Control" key while you open the package in order to bypass Gatekeeper. It will refuse to execute the package it otherwise. I know it is an security issue but it would cost me 100$ year make it compatible with Gatekeeper (notarized builds). Apple if you are reading this: please provide a solution for open source software developers out there.

If you have an older version of dexed installed (/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/Components or /Library/Audio/Plug-ins/VST) be sure it is not present before running the installer.