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arthur-debert edited this page Oct 19, 2010 · 3 revisions

BulkLoader is an open source project and there are lots of things you can do to help.

Bug reports

Bugs should be reported through the issue tracker. A good bug report contains a detailed description of how to reproduce the bug, what is the expected outcome and what is the current result. A better report will include a minimal test case showing how the bug can be reproduced. An even better report has a fix for it! See "Contributing" bellow.

Help out on the mailing list

The mailing list is the place to look for help, discuss usage or feature requests. Most posts are asking for help, from basic Actionscript concepts, to difficulties with the flash api, not finding the right information on the docs, to very pertinent questions and suggestions. Answering those messages is a great way to help out the community.


If you are sending code or a bug fix, please:

  • Ideally you will fork the project on github and send a pull request against HEAD. Else a regular patch works.
  • Make sure that nothing breaks (running the test suite is a good first step).
  • Writing test for your code will help a lot.

Commit access

While I'd love to have more committers to BulkLoader, very few people turn out to have the knowledge and disposition to contribute for a reasonable period of time. If you'd like to become a project member, generally speaking, you'd have to show your commitment. By doing bug reports, helping out on the mailing list, documentation improvements and sending good patches I'll be glad to provide commit privileges.