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Configure BulkLoader from an external file (xml, json)

arthur-debert edited this page Oct 15, 2010 · 2 revisions

Defining Loading assets in External Files

BulkLoader has a facility to define items to be loaded in external files. Currently, you can define a serialized loader in a xml file or a json file.

It's very simple to use.

// create a lazy loader passing the url to the xml file as a String
public var lazy : LazyXMLLoader = new LazyXMLLoader("sample-lazy.xml", "myLoader");
lazy.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLazyLoaded);
lazy.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onLazyProgress);

The LazyXMLLoader is a BulkLoader instance and can listen for events, fetch items , etc.

If you wish to add event listeners to individual items, you must wait until the external definition is in place. Listen for the "lazyComplete" event for that, example:

// create a lazy loader passing the url to the xml file as a String
public var loader : LazyXMLLoader = new LazyXMLLoader("sample-lazy.xml", "myLoader");
// you can listen to events as a group right away
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLazyLoaded);
loader.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onLazyProgress);

// be notified when the external definition is ready, and this BulkLoader instance is ready to start loading assets:
loader.addEventListener("lazyComplete", onBulkLoaderWillStart);

function onBulkLoaderWillStart(evt : Event) : void{
     // you can add events to some specific item:
	loader.get("config").addEventListener(BulkLoader.COMPLETE, parseConfig);
	 // you can add events to some specific item:
	loader.get("background").addEventListener(BulkLoader.COMPLETE, attachBg);


Basic XML Sample

The basic xml format is to have each property defined by a xml node and the files to load as "file" nodes inside a "files" node. A simple xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<BulkLoader >


Basic JSON sample

	"name": "lazyTest",
	"numConnections": 2,
	"logLevel": 0,
			"base_path": "http:\/\/\/bulkloader-assets\/",
			"sample_image": "cats.jpg"
	"files": [
			"url": "{base_path}cats.jpg"
			"maxTries": 5,
			"url": "{base_path}some-text.txt",
			"preventCache": true
			"url": "{base_path}sound-short.mp3",
			"url": "{base_path}untyped-image",
			"url": "{base_path}samplexml.xml",
			"headers" :[
			  	{"header1": "value1"},
				{"header2": "value2"}