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404 lines (325 loc) · 19.9 KB

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404 lines (325 loc) · 19.9 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
GetHash POST /api/getStandaloneHash Get the standalone (non-chained) hash for an entry
GetHashableContent POST /api/getHashableContent/{actorId}/{action} Get the content over which to compute the hash of a request for simple (minimal metadata) actions
GetHashableContentForAuthAction POST /api/getHashableContent/{actorId}/auth/{authAction} Get the content over which to compute the hash of a request for auth actions
GetHashableContentForStandardAction POST /api/getHashableContent/{actorId}/{action}/{entityType}/{entityId} Get the content over which to compute the hash of a request for standard actions
GetHashableContentSimple POST /api/getHashableContent Get the content over which to compute the hash of a request without any additional metadata (including encrypted request bodies)


string GetHash (string applicationId, Guid? entryId)

Get the standalone (non-chained) hash for an entry


using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using LogSentinel.Client.Api;
using LogSentinel.Client.Client;
using LogSentinel.Client.Model;

namespace Example
    public class GetHashExample
        public void main()
            // Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
            Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
            Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";

            var apiInstance = new HashApi();
            var applicationId = applicationId_example;  // string | Application ID, identifying a target application (obtained from the API credentials page)
            var entryId = new Guid?(); // Guid? | ID of the audit log entry to verify

                // Get the standalone (non-chained) hash for an entry
                string result = apiInstance.GetHash(applicationId, entryId);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling HashApi.GetHash: " + e.Message );


Name Type Description Notes
applicationId string Application ID, identifying a target application (obtained from the API credentials page)
entryId Guid? ID of the audit log entry to verify

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, /
  • Accept: application/xml, application/json

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string GetHashableContent (string applicationId, string action, string actorId, string auditLogEntryType = null, string signature = null, string actorDepartment = null, string actorDisplayName = null, List actorRoles = null, string details = null, string logLevel = null, long? originalEventTimestamp = null)

Get the content over which to compute the hash of a request for simple (minimal metadata) actions


using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using LogSentinel.Client.Api;
using LogSentinel.Client.Client;
using LogSentinel.Client.Model;

namespace Example
    public class GetHashableContentExample
        public void main()
            // Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
            Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
            Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";

            var apiInstance = new HashApi();
            var applicationId = applicationId_example;  // string | Application ID, identifying a target application (obtained from the API credentials page)
            var action = action_example;  // string | The name of the action being logged
            var actorId = actorId_example;  // string | ID of the actor performing the action being logged
            var auditLogEntryType = auditLogEntryType_example;  // string | The type of the event (optional)  (default to BUSINESS_LOGIC_ENTRY)
            var signature = signature_example;  // string | Base64-encoded digital signature on the entry details (the request body) (optional) 
            var actorDepartment = actorDepartment_example;  // string | actorDepartment (optional) 
            var actorDisplayName = actorDisplayName_example;  // string | Display name of the actor (e.g. a name, in case ID is not human-readable) (optional) 
            var actorRoles = new List<string>(); // List<string> | The roles of the actor (optional) 
            var details = details_example;  // string | Any details in any format about the event that you want to store in the log (optional) 
            var logLevel = logLevel_example;  // string | logLevel (optional) 
            var originalEventTimestamp = 789;  // long? | originalEventTimestamp (optional) 

                // Get the content over which to compute the hash of a request for simple (minimal metadata) actions
                string result = apiInstance.GetHashableContent(applicationId, action, actorId, auditLogEntryType, signature, actorDepartment, actorDisplayName, actorRoles, details, logLevel, originalEventTimestamp);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling HashApi.GetHashableContent: " + e.Message );


Name Type Description Notes
applicationId string Application ID, identifying a target application (obtained from the API credentials page)
action string The name of the action being logged
actorId string ID of the actor performing the action being logged
auditLogEntryType string The type of the event [optional] [default to BUSINESS_LOGIC_ENTRY]
signature string Base64-encoded digital signature on the entry details (the request body) [optional]
actorDepartment string actorDepartment [optional]
actorDisplayName string Display name of the actor (e.g. a name, in case ID is not human-readable) [optional]
actorRoles List<string> The roles of the actor [optional]
details string Any details in any format about the event that you want to store in the log [optional]
logLevel string logLevel [optional]
originalEventTimestamp long? originalEventTimestamp [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, /
  • Accept: /, application/json

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string GetHashableContentForAuthAction (string applicationId, string actorId, string authAction, string signature = null, string signedLoginChallenge = null, string userPublicKey = null, string actorDepartment = null, string actorDisplayName = null, List actorRoles = null, string details = null, long? originalEventTimestamp = null)

Get the content over which to compute the hash of a request for auth actions


using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using LogSentinel.Client.Api;
using LogSentinel.Client.Client;
using LogSentinel.Client.Model;

namespace Example
    public class GetHashableContentForAuthActionExample
        public void main()
            // Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
            Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
            Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";

            var apiInstance = new HashApi();
            var applicationId = applicationId_example;  // string | Application ID, identifying a target application (obtained from the API credentials page)
            var actorId = actorId_example;  // string | ID of the actor performing the action being logged
            var authAction = authAction_example;  // string | Specific action related to user authentication
            var signature = signature_example;  // string | Base64-encoded digital signature on the entry details (the request body) (optional) 
            var signedLoginChallenge = signedLoginChallenge_example;  // string | Signed-Login-Challenge (optional) 
            var userPublicKey = userPublicKey_example;  // string | User-Public-Key (optional) 
            var actorDepartment = actorDepartment_example;  // string | actorDepartment (optional) 
            var actorDisplayName = actorDisplayName_example;  // string | Display name of the actor (e.g. a name, in case ID is not human-readable) (optional) 
            var actorRoles = new List<string>(); // List<string> | The roles of the actor (optional) 
            var details = details_example;  // string | Any details in any format about the event that you want to store in the log (optional) 
            var originalEventTimestamp = 789;  // long? | originalEventTimestamp (optional) 

                // Get the content over which to compute the hash of a request for auth actions
                string result = apiInstance.GetHashableContentForAuthAction(applicationId, actorId, authAction, signature, signedLoginChallenge, userPublicKey, actorDepartment, actorDisplayName, actorRoles, details, originalEventTimestamp);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling HashApi.GetHashableContentForAuthAction: " + e.Message );


Name Type Description Notes
applicationId string Application ID, identifying a target application (obtained from the API credentials page)
actorId string ID of the actor performing the action being logged
authAction string Specific action related to user authentication
signature string Base64-encoded digital signature on the entry details (the request body) [optional]
signedLoginChallenge string Signed-Login-Challenge [optional]
userPublicKey string User-Public-Key [optional]
actorDepartment string actorDepartment [optional]
actorDisplayName string Display name of the actor (e.g. a name, in case ID is not human-readable) [optional]
actorRoles List<string> The roles of the actor [optional]
details string Any details in any format about the event that you want to store in the log [optional]
originalEventTimestamp long? originalEventTimestamp [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, /
  • Accept: /, application/json

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string GetHashableContentForStandardAction (string applicationId, string action, string actorId, string entityId, string entityType, string auditLogEntryType = null, string signature = null, string actorDepartment = null, string actorDisplayName = null, List actorRoles = null, string details = null, string logLevel = null, long? originalEventTimestamp = null)

Get the content over which to compute the hash of a request for standard actions


using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using LogSentinel.Client.Api;
using LogSentinel.Client.Client;
using LogSentinel.Client.Model;

namespace Example
    public class GetHashableContentForStandardActionExample
        public void main()
            // Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
            Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
            Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";

            var apiInstance = new HashApi();
            var applicationId = applicationId_example;  // string | Application ID, identifying a target application (obtained from the API credentials page)
            var action = action_example;  // string | The name of the action being logged
            var actorId = actorId_example;  // string | ID of the actor performing the action being logged
            var entityId = entityId_example;  // string | When the event is about a particular model entity, you can set its ID here
            var entityType = entityType_example;  // string | When the event is about a particular model entity, you can set its type here
            var auditLogEntryType = auditLogEntryType_example;  // string | The type of the event (optional)  (default to BUSINESS_LOGIC_ENTRY)
            var signature = signature_example;  // string | Base64-encoded digital signature on the entry details (the request body) (optional) 
            var actorDepartment = actorDepartment_example;  // string | actorDepartment (optional) 
            var actorDisplayName = actorDisplayName_example;  // string | Display name of the actor (e.g. a name, in case ID is not human-readable) (optional) 
            var actorRoles = new List<string>(); // List<string> | The roles of the actor (optional) 
            var details = details_example;  // string | Any details in any format about the event that you want to store in the log (optional) 
            var logLevel = logLevel_example;  // string | logLevel (optional) 
            var originalEventTimestamp = 789;  // long? | originalEventTimestamp (optional) 

                // Get the content over which to compute the hash of a request for standard actions
                string result = apiInstance.GetHashableContentForStandardAction(applicationId, action, actorId, entityId, entityType, auditLogEntryType, signature, actorDepartment, actorDisplayName, actorRoles, details, logLevel, originalEventTimestamp);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling HashApi.GetHashableContentForStandardAction: " + e.Message );


Name Type Description Notes
applicationId string Application ID, identifying a target application (obtained from the API credentials page)
action string The name of the action being logged
actorId string ID of the actor performing the action being logged
entityId string When the event is about a particular model entity, you can set its ID here
entityType string When the event is about a particular model entity, you can set its type here
auditLogEntryType string The type of the event [optional] [default to BUSINESS_LOGIC_ENTRY]
signature string Base64-encoded digital signature on the entry details (the request body) [optional]
actorDepartment string actorDepartment [optional]
actorDisplayName string Display name of the actor (e.g. a name, in case ID is not human-readable) [optional]
actorRoles List<string> The roles of the actor [optional]
details string Any details in any format about the event that you want to store in the log [optional]
logLevel string logLevel [optional]
originalEventTimestamp long? originalEventTimestamp [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, /
  • Accept: /, application/json

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string GetHashableContentSimple (string applicationId, string auditLogEntryType = null, string signature = null, string details = null, string logLevel = null, long? originalEventTimestamp = null)

Get the content over which to compute the hash of a request without any additional metadata (including encrypted request bodies)


using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using LogSentinel.Client.Api;
using LogSentinel.Client.Client;
using LogSentinel.Client.Model;

namespace Example
    public class GetHashableContentSimpleExample
        public void main()
            // Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
            Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
            Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";

            var apiInstance = new HashApi();
            var applicationId = applicationId_example;  // string | Application ID, identifying a target application (obtained from the API credentials page)
            var auditLogEntryType = auditLogEntryType_example;  // string | The type of the event (optional)  (default to BUSINESS_LOGIC_ENTRY)
            var signature = signature_example;  // string | Base64-encoded digital signature on the entry details (the request body) (optional) 
            var details = details_example;  // string | Any details in any format about the event that you want to store in the log (optional) 
            var logLevel = logLevel_example;  // string | logLevel (optional) 
            var originalEventTimestamp = 789;  // long? | originalEventTimestamp (optional) 

                // Get the content over which to compute the hash of a request without any additional metadata (including encrypted request bodies)
                string result = apiInstance.GetHashableContentSimple(applicationId, auditLogEntryType, signature, details, logLevel, originalEventTimestamp);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling HashApi.GetHashableContentSimple: " + e.Message );


Name Type Description Notes
applicationId string Application ID, identifying a target application (obtained from the API credentials page)
auditLogEntryType string The type of the event [optional] [default to BUSINESS_LOGIC_ENTRY]
signature string Base64-encoded digital signature on the entry details (the request body) [optional]
details string Any details in any format about the event that you want to store in the log [optional]
logLevel string logLevel [optional]
originalEventTimestamp long? originalEventTimestamp [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, /
  • Accept: application/xml, application/json

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