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LogSentinel.Client - the C# library for the LogSentinel RESTful API

Build Status


This C# SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 1
  • SDK version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.CSharpClientCodegen

Frameworks supported

  • .NET Core >=1.0
  • .NET Framework >=4.6
  • Mono/Xamarin >=vNext
  • UWP >=10.0


  • FubarCoder.RestSharp.Portable.Core >=4.0.7
  • FubarCoder.RestSharp.Portable.HttpClient >=4.0.7
  • Newtonsoft.Json >=10.0.3


Generate the DLL using your preferred tool

Then include the DLL (under the bin folder) in the C# project, and use the namespaces:

using LogSentinel.Client.Api;
using LogSentinel.Client.Client;
using LogSentinel.Client.Model;

Getting Started

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using LogSentinel.Client.Api;
using LogSentinel.Client.Client;
using LogSentinel.Client.Model;

namespace Example
    public class Example
        public void main()

            // Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
            Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
            Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";

            var apiInstance = new AlertsApi();
            var alertRule = new ActionChainAlertRule(); // ActionChainAlertRule | alertRule

                // Creates Action Chain Alert Rule
                ActionChainAlertRule result = apiInstance.CreateActionChainRule(alertRule);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling AlertsApi.CreateActionChainRule: " + e.Message );


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AlertsApi CreateActionChainRule POST /api/alerts/actionChainRule Creates Action Chain Alert Rule
AlertsApi CreateDestination POST /api/alerts/destination Creates Alert destination. Type is EMAIL or TELEGRAM
AlertsApi CreateRule POST /api/alerts/rule Creates Alert rule. Type is ST_DEV or FIXED. Aggregation type is COUNT, AVG or SUM
AlertsApi DeleteActionChainRule DELETE /api/alerts/actionChainRule Deletes Action chain Alert rule
AlertsApi DeleteDestination DELETE /api/alerts/destination Deletes Alert destination
AlertsApi DeleteRule DELETE /api/alerts/rule Deletes Alert rule
AlertsApi GetActionChainAlertRules GET /api/alerts/actionChainRules Gets all Action Chain Alert rules in the organization
AlertsApi GetAlertDestinations GET /api/alerts/destinations Gets all Alert destinations in the organization
AlertsApi GetAlertRuleRuns GET /api/alerts/runs Gets all Alert rule runs in the organization
AlertsApi GetAlertRules GET /api/alerts/rules Gets all Alert rules in the organization
AlertsApi UpdateActionChainRule PUT /api/alerts/actionChainRule Updates Action Chain Alert Rule
AlertsApi UpdateDestination PUT /api/alerts/destination Updates Alert destination. Type cannot be changed
AlertsApi UpdateRule PUT /api/alerts/rule Updates Alert rule. Type is ST_DEV or FIXED. Aggregation type is COUNT, AVG or SUM
AlertsApi UpdateWorkingHours POST /api/alerts/updateWorkingHours Updates the working hours for the organization
ApplicationsApi CreateApplication PUT /api/application Create a new application
ApplicationsApi DeleteApplication DELETE /api/application Delete an existing application
ApplicationsApi GetApplications GET /api/application Get all applications of an organization
ApplicationsApi UpdateApplication POST /api/application Update an existing application
GDPRLoggingApi LogConsent POST /api/log-gdpr/consent Log the consent by a given user
GDPRLoggingApi LogGdprRequest POST /api/log-gdpr/request/{requestType} Log a GDPR request by a given user
GDPRLoggingApi LogRequestResults POST /api/log-gdpr/request-result/{requestType} Push data about the result of a GDPR request
GDPRRegisterApi AddEntity POST /api/gdpr/addEntity Adds entitity to the GDPR register
GDPRRegisterApi DeleteEntity DELETE /api/gdpr/entity Deletes entity in the GDPR register
GDPRRegisterApi DeleteRecord DELETE /api/gdpr/record Deletes record from the GDPR register
GDPRRegisterApi GdprEntities GET /api/gdpr/entities Fetch entities from the GDPR register
GDPRRegisterApi GetEntity GET /api/gdpr/entity Gets entity by id from the GDPR register
GDPRRegisterApi GetRecord GET /api/gdpr/record Gets record by id from the GDPR register
GDPRRegisterApi GetRecords GET /api/gdpr/records Fetch records from the GDPR register
GDPRRegisterApi SaveEntity POST /api/gdpr/entity Updates entity in the GDPR register
GDPRRegisterApi SaveRecord POST /api/gdpr/saveRecord Saves record in the GDPR register
HashApi GetHash POST /api/getStandaloneHash Get the standalone (non-chained) hash for an entry
HashApi GetHashableContent POST /api/getHashableContent/{actorId}/{action} Get the content over which to compute the hash of a request for simple (minimal metadata) actions
HashApi GetHashableContentForAuthAction POST /api/getHashableContent/{actorId}/auth/{authAction} Get the content over which to compute the hash of a request for auth actions
HashApi GetHashableContentForStandardAction POST /api/getHashableContent/{actorId}/{action}/{entityType}/{entityId} Get the content over which to compute the hash of a request for standard actions
HashApi GetHashableContentSimple POST /api/getHashableContent Get the content over which to compute the hash of a request without any additional metadata (including encrypted request bodies)
LogHealthcareApi LogDicomEvent POST /api/dicom/log Logs a DICOM audit message
LogHealthcareApi LogFhirEvent POST /api/fhir/log Logs a FHIR audit event in order to help with HIPAA compliance
LogHealthcareApi LogIheEvent POST /api/ihe/log Logs an IHE audit message
LogSpecialApi LogProvenance POST /api/provenance/log Logs a Provenance document
LoggingApi GetEntryById GET /api/getEntryById Get entry by id
LoggingApi GetHashByEntryId GET /api/getHashByEntryId getHashByEntryId
LoggingApi Log POST /api/log/{actorId}/{action} Log an event by a given actor
LoggingApi LogAuthAction POST /api/log/{actorId}/auth/{authAction} Log an authentication event with the option to pass actor public key and signature
LoggingApi LogBatch POST /api/log/batch Log multiple events at the same time. This should rarely be used, but allows background processes to push multiple events at the same time
LoggingApi LogDocument POST /api/log/document/{actorId}/{action}/{documentId} Log an event by providing full details. Action can be INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/GET or any custom action
LoggingApi LogFull POST /api/log/{actorId}/{action}/{entityType}/{entityId} Log an event by providing full details. Action can be INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/GET or any custom action
LoggingApi LogSimple POST /api/log/simple Log an event by providing just the body without any additional metadata. The body can be fully encrypted or can represent just the hash of the data/document
OrganizationUsersApi ChangeRole POST /api/users/userId/{userId}/changeRole/{role} Changes user role
OrganizationUsersApi Create PUT /api/users/create Creates new user in the organization
OrganizationUsersApi ForgetUser POST /api/users/forget/{userId} Forgets user profile
OrganizationUsersApi GetUserDetailsByEmail GET /api/users/email/{email} Gets user details by email
OrganizationUsersApi GetUserDetailsById GET /api/users/userId/{userId} Gets user details by user id
OrganizationUsersApi Update POST /api/users/update Updates user profile
PartnersApi CancelOrganization DELETE /api/partner/organizations/cancel Cancels organization by Id and deletes all users
PartnersApi FetchAllOrganizations GET /api/partner/organizations Fetch all organizations
PartnersApi GetApiCredentials GET /api/partner/organizations/apiCredentials API credentials per organization from organizations owned by partner
PartnersApi GetOrganizationByUserEmail GET /api/partner/organizationByUserEmail Get the organization for the supplied email
PartnersApi GetUserIdByEmail GET /api/partner/userIdByEmail Get user id by user email
PartnersApi RegisterUser POST /api/partner/user/register Register a user
SavedSearchesApi CreateSavedSearch POST /api/search/saved Creates saved search
SavedSearchesApi GetSavedSearchIds GET /api/search/saved/fetch Fetches saved search ids of all users of an organization
SavedSearchesApi PerformSavedSearch GET /api/search/saved Calls saved search by its id
SearchApi GetBatch GET /api/search/batch Search entries in batches by field
SearchApi GetEntityHistory GET /api/search/entityHistory Get entity history
SearchApi Search POST /api/search Search logged entries
VerificationApi GetConsistencyProof GET /api/verification/merkle/proofs/consistency Get consistency proof for an application merkle tree. Async operation, as the generation may be slow
VerificationApi GetEntriesBetweenHashes GET /api/verification/entries Get all entries between two hashes
VerificationApi GetEthereumEntries GET /api/verification/ethereumEntries Fetch all hashes pushed to Ethereum for a given application
VerificationApi GetInclusionProof GET /api/verification/merkle/proofs/inclusion Get inclusion proof for the application merkle tree. Async operation, as the generation may be slow
VerificationApi GetLatestTreeHead GET /api/verification/merkle/latestTreeHead Get latest tree head of the application merkle tree. Async operation, as the operation may be slow
VerificationApi GetMerkleTreeInfo GET /api/verification/merkle/info Get general info about merkle tree parameters
VerificationApi GetResolvedVerificationFailures GET /api/verification/resolved-failures Get all resolved verification failures
VerificationApi Verify POST /api/verification/verify Verify whether a given hash is present, indicating that the log is intact
VerificationApi VerifyEntry POST /api/verification/verifyEntry Verify whether a given entry's hash is present, indicating that the log is intact

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


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