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@bytefish bytefish released this 13 Feb 07:55
· 13 commits to master since this release

This commit added:

  • Database metadata validation to prevent confusion like in Issue #15, because the SqlServerBulkCopy requires all columns to explicitly mapped. An exception will be thrown, if the destination schema and source mapping do not match. A section has been added to the README, so with the validation and README the behavior should be a little more predictable.
  • The columns now get reordered based on the metadata of the destination table. The SqlServerBulkCopy requires all columns to be exactely in the same order as in the database, so we reorder them before starting the bulk insert from the stream.

The methods for primitive type mapping have been renamed to mapBooleanPrimitive, so the IDE and JVM do not confuse the lambda methods and thus making it easier to do the mapping for empty / auto-generated columns. This is a breaking change, so the Major Release version has been increased to 4.0.0.