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Using TestFunctions

Bob Stienen edited this page Feb 24, 2020 · 2 revisions

The high_dimensional_sampling package implements a variety of functions on which sampling procedures can be tested. These are all classes with the functions.TestFunction class as their base. This base class automatically keeps track of the number of function evaluations and performs checks on the input data to make sure it has the correct number of dimensions. The TestFunction class is abstract and can not be instantiated itself.

Evaluating the function('s derivative)

As testfunctions are implemented as classes, they can be evaluated after initialisation. For example, if we want to evaluate the Cosine testfunction at x=2.65, we would use the following script:

import high_dimensional_sampling as hds

f = hds.functions.Cosine()
y = f(2.65)

Some testfunctions also have their derivative implemented. To get the derivative at a specific location, simply add True as second argument to the function call:

y_prime = f(2.65, True)

If no derivative is implemented for the instantiated testfunction, a functions.NoDerivativeError is raised.

Implemented functions

Currently the following functions are implemented in the functions module of the package:

Function #dimensions Derivative implemented Definition
Rastrigin (2) Yes
Rosenbrock (2) No
Beale 2 No
Booth 2 No
BukinNmbr6 2 No
Matyas 2 No
LeviNmbr13 2 No
Himmelblau 2 No
ThreeHumpCamel 2 No
Sphere (3) Yes
Ackley 2 No
Easom 2 No
Cosine 1 Yes $$\cos( x )$$
Block (3) No $$a + b*\theta(|x|_0)$$
Bessel 1 Yes
ModifiedBessel 1 Yes
Eggbox 2 No
MultivariateNormal (2) No
GaussianShells 2 No
Linear (2) No $$\sum_i | x_i |$$
BreitWigner 1 Yes–Wigner_distribution
Reciprocal (2) Yes $$\prod_i x_i^{-1}$$

Dimensionalities provided between parentheses can be configured at initialisation.

Hidden TestFunctions

For all functions in the table above the function can in principle be known by the user performing the optimisation. This makes for a possible biassed optimisation, as the user can tune the parameters of the optimisation procedure. To counteract this, there are additionally four hidden functions implemented, which get their evaluated values from precompiled binaries. This makes their functional values unknown to the user.

The HiddenFunctions are implemented in the functions module. Their properties are listed in the table below. All of them have an optional compiled_against input argument, which can be either '18.04' or '16.04'. This value indicated the binary to use for the function, which differ in the version of Ubuntu against they were compiled.

None of the HiddenFunctions have their derivative implemented.

Function #dimensions Range minimum Range maximum
HiddenFunction1 2 -30 30
HiddenFunction2 4 -7 7
HiddenFunction3 6 0 1
HiddenFunction4 16 -500 500

Defining your own TestFunctions

You can define your own testfunctions by creating a class that derives from the functions.TestFunction base class. Your new testfunction should implement the following methods:

  • init(self, ...): initialisation method. Can take extra input in the form of extra input arguments, but any such parameters should have defaults defined.
  • _evaluate(self, x): method that evaluates the test function at coordinate x. Be aware that x is a numpy array of shape (nDatapoints, nVariables) and can contain multiple rows (i.e. data points). This method should return the function values of your test fucntion in the form of a numpy array of shape (nDatapoints, nOutputVariables).
  • _derivative(self, x): same as _evaluate, but now for the derivative of the testfunction. If no derivative is implemented, this method should raise a functions.NoDerivativeError.

Looping over functions

Have a look at Using and Looping over TestFunctions for more information on how to automatically select and loop over test functions.