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Running an Experiment

Bob Stienen edited this page Feb 19, 2020 · 1 revision

As explained in Creating a procedure the high_dimensional_sampling package is meant to investigate two distinct types of sampling experiments:

  • Posterior sampling: taking samples from a distribution of which the probability density (i.e. the function value) is only accessible through these samples.
  • Optimisation: Finding the optimum of an unknown function.

Each of these goals has its own associated Experiment class with it.

Use the correct Experiment classes

The experiments module implements the classes for the experiment types. When you want to run an optimisation experiment, you should use the experiments.OptimisationExperiment class (or the experiments.OptimizationExperiment class, which is totally equivalent). For posterior sampling experiments the experiments.PosteriorSamplingExperiment class should be used.

If you inspect the code you can see that there are no differences between these two (three) classes. For the moment this is true, but in order to allow for compatibility with future versions of the high_dimensional_sampling package you are encouraged to use the correct experiment class now anyway.

Running an experiment

Running an experiment boils down to the following steps:

  1. Define a procedure to test
  2. Define which testfunctions to test the procedure on
  3. Determine the location to which results should be written
  4. Loop over the selected testfunctions
  5. Run the experiment on each of the functions

Given that there exists an implementation for the MyProcedure class that is in accordance with Creating a procedure, the following code would test this procedure:

import high_dimensional_sampling as hds

procedure = MyProcedure()

feeder = hds.functions.FunctionFeeder()

experiment = hds.OptimisationExperiment(procedure, '/home/jdoe/log')
for function in feeder:, finish_line=1000, log_data=True)

Note that we provided a couple of arguments in the OptimisationExperiment instance. The '/home/bstienen/log' argument defined the location to which results should be written. This includes a basic benchmark of the computer on which the experiment is performed. For each function the number of function calls and the number of calls to the procedure is stored. If the log_data argument in the run() method is set to True (default), also the sampled data is logged.

The finish_line argument defines after how many taken samples the experiment should be stopped. This is a hard stop: no matter the status of the sampling, the experiment with the current testfunction is stopped. Note that although the experiment can never be run longer than set through this argument, it can stop earlier, if the Procedure's is_finished() method has returned True before the finish line was reached.

Example scripts

In the examples folder two example procedures and experiments are provided: one for rejection sampling, a procedure for posterior sampling, the other for random optimisation, a procedure for optimum finding.