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More options and some layout improvements

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@AndrewCRMartin AndrewCRMartin released this 23 Sep 16:29
· 50 commits to master since this release

Various new options:

  • options.toggleDotifyLabel - The label for the dotify toggle
  • options.toggleNocolourLabel / options.toggleNocolorLabel - The label for the do-not-colour-dots toggle
  • options.deleteLabel - The label for the delete-selected-sequences button
  • options.idSubmit - Allow a URL to be specified for clicking on an individual sequence label
  • options.idSubmitClean - Removes non-alpha characters from a sequence before submitting it with idSubmit

A few changes to the CSS to improve the layout of buttons on Opera/Safari. Also to make the clickable boxes larger.

CSS commented with things that the user is likely to want to change.