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JavaScript Sequence Alignment Viewer (JSAV) V2.0.2

JSAV is a simple JavaScript sequence alignment viewer

Look at index.html and index2.html for example usage information

The main user entry point is:

    printJSAV(divId, sequenceArray, options);


  • divId is the name of a div that will be created
  • sequenceArray is an array of sequence objects - these contain id and sequence fields
  • options is an object describing options - see below

The options for controlling the display are:

  • sortable - Should the sorting options be displayed (default: false)
  • selectable - Should selection checkboxes be displayed for each sequence
  • hideable - Makes it possible to hide sequences
  • deletable - Makes it possible to delete sequences
  • highlight - Array of ranges to highlight (e.g. [24,34,50,56] would highlight positions 24-34 and 50-56)
  • action - Function to call using selected sequences - the function will be passed the divId and array of sequence objects
  • dotify - Repeated residues in the alignment are replaced with dots
  • nocolour or nocolor - Repeated residues are not coloured
  • toggleDotify - Display a checkbox to toggle the dotify mode
  • toggleNocolour or toggleNocolor - Display a checkbox to toggle the nocolour-dotify mode
  • fasta - Create a FASTA export button
  • consensus - Display consensus sequence
  • colourScheme or colorScheme - Default colour scheme - valid options depend on the css, but are currently taylor, clustal, zappo, hphob, helix, strand, turn, buried
  • selectColour or selectColor - Display a pull-down to choose the colour scheme.
  • colourChoices or colorChoices - Array of colour scheme names - only used if the user has added to the CSS
  • callback - name of a function to be called whenever the display is refreshed. The divId is passed into this function.
  • scrollX - Specify a width for the sequence display div and make it scrollable (e.g. "500px") Use "100%" to make it the width of the screen (or containing div)
  • scrollY - Specify a height for the sequence display div and make it scrollable (e.g. "500px")
  • labels - Array of residue labels
  • autoLabels - Generate sequential labels automatically
  • submit - URL for submitting selected sequences
  • idSubmit - URL for submitting a single sequence where its id/label has been clicked. See also idSubmitKey and idSubmitAttribute which allows other attributes to be passed
  • idSubmitClean - Remove non-alpha characters from sequence before submitting
  • idSubmitAttribute - Specifies a colon-separated list of attribute values of the sequence object which should be passed to a URL specified with idSubmit. Default is 'sequence'
  • idSubmitKey - Specifies a colon-separated list of attribute keys which should be passed to the URL specified with idSubmit.
  • hideLabel - Label for hide button.
  • showallLabel - Label for Show All button.
  • deleteLabel - Label for delete button
  • submitLabel - Label for submit button
  • actionLabel - Label for action button
  • toggleDotifyLabel - Label for dotify checkbox toggle
  • toggleNocolourLabel - Label for nocolour checkbox toggle
  • sortLabel - Label for sort button
  • exportLabel - Label for export buttons

The Sequence Object

The sequence object must contain two fields:

  • id which contains an identifier that is displayed along side the sequence
  • sequence which is the 1-letter code sequence (with dashes as necessary for the alignment)

In addition it may contain any other required fields that will be passed around but are not used by JSAV itself. For example some sort of accession code that might be required by an 'action' run from JSAV.

CSS Control

The overall JSAV component is wrapped in a div with the ID specified in the call. Within this there are two divs

  • the first displays the alignment and has class='JSAVDisplay'
  • the second displays the controls and has class='JSAVControls'


You must have JQuery and JQuery-UI installed - simply download them from and access the two JavaScript files and the CSS file from your HTML. You can customize the look and feel of the slider and the confirmation/alert boxes by choosing a different (or customized) JQuery-UI theme.

Your code should include these with something like:

<link href="external/jquery.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type='text/javascript' src='external/jquery-1.10.2.min.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='external/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.min.js'></script>

alternatively, you could access the JQuery code from Google APIs:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>

Note that this must appear before including the JSAV.js code and CSS:

<link href="JSAV.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type='text/javascript' src='JSAV.js'></script>

Optional styling

By default, JQuery tooltips are enabled. As above, these can be disabled using the plainTooltips option.

The tooltips are fully compatible with the tooltipster package which gives more attractive tooltips. If you wish to use this, simply download the package from and add the following lines to your HTML:

<link href="external/tooltipster-master/css/tooltipster.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type='text/javascript' src='external/tooltipster-master/js/jquery.tooltipster.min.js'></script>
function enableTooltipster()
    $(document).ready(function() {

Note that this must appear after including the JSAV.js code and CSS (unless you also remember to set the options.plainTooltips option).

The enableTooltipster() function must be called whenever the display is refreshed. This is achieved by adding the option:

    options.callback = "enableTooltipster";


In future, the slider may be replaced with which works better on touchscreens.

Contributing to JSAV

Contributions to JSAV through pull requests are encouraged. If you contribute, you acknowledge that you transfer copyright in your modifications to University College London and Dr. Andrew C.R. Martin.