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v2.0.0a21: Nuggets, Darkness, Sprinklers, Fertilizers, oh my

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@CodesCubesAndCrashes CodesCubesAndCrashes released this 22 Oct 09:37
· 858 commits to master since this release


This release is primarily a collection of fixes, with a few quality of life improvements. And although there are plenty of things that need work, I think that AgriCraft is considerably more usable now. :)

Regarding interactions with other mods: I have tested the re-obfuscated jar in a fresh install outside of my development environment, in FTB Beyond (v1.11.0), and recently in All The Mods (v3.03). This included multiplayer on a dedicated server. Additionally, I checked all the mentions of agricraft in those log, and nothing stood out at me. So I'm optimistic. But you never know.

If you have a quick question, a comment, or any feedback, you're invited to hop on the Discord server. And of course you can submit a report using the issue tracker.


A shorter list of bigger deals

  • The ore dictionary is fixed for nuggets.
  • Seeds can be planted at night.
  • You get better feedback during planting about if their requirements are met.
  • The Sprinkler has been updated. It works, and it's better. :)
  • Crops have had IGrowable support added. So a few fertilizers from other mods work.
  • Some of the JSON files have been updated.
  • Right clicking the tops of blocks while holding crop sticks works again.
  • Crops don't drop seeds if you're just harvesting their fruits.


  • First of all, I encourage you to make sure that you have a backup. I would hate to have screwed anyone's game or save up.
  • If you play single player only, or on your own server: I highly recommend that you go to your ./minecraft/config/ folder and rename agricraft to something like agricraft-before-a21. Do that for both the client and server. That way all of the configurations and JSONs will be regenerated, and everything will be in sync.
  • If you connect to someone else's server: Get in touch with the server operator. You guys will need to be careful, update both sides, and then make sure that the configurations and JSONs are identical. They might provide you with a new agricraft folder to use. You can't just update your client, it won't work with the older server version.


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