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Manually modify a property of a plone object

Lukas Graf edited this page Dec 3, 2013 · 2 revisions

First start the instance in debug mode to get a Python prompt.

bin/instance0 debug

Then use debug helpers provided by opengever.maintenance to get access to the Plone site.

>>> from opengever.maintenance.debughelpers import dm
>>> dm()
INFO: Using Plone Site 'plone'.
>>> plone
<PloneSite at /plone>

Get the a Plone object by traversing to it using restrictedTraverse:

>>> dossier = plone.restrictedTraverse('folder/dossier')
>>> dossier
<DossierContainer at /plone/folder/dossier>

We need the annotation storage. This is where attributes of most schemata or behaviors are stored.

>>> from opengever.dossier.behaviors.dossier import IDossier
>>> attr_storage = IDossier(dossier)
>>> attr_storage
<plone.behavior.annotation.AnnotationsFactoryImpl object at 0xb4cb1cc>

Now modify the attribute.

>>> attr_storage.end, 7, 5)
>>> import datetime
>>> attr_storage.end =, 7, 5)
>>> attr_storage.end, 7, 5)

And write your change to the database.

>>> import transaction
>>> transaction.commit()