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My i3 config

It's here so that I can keep track of it more easily, plus branches for different machines (maybe, the idea was good in my head)

What's it like?

This config sets up a nice solarized i3 with gaps from Airblader's i3-gaps. Also found is a fun lock screen using i3lock and ImageMagick. The background is set using a file named wallpaper.jpg in the ~/Pictures directory.

Other fun stuff includes a toggleable auto-lock, emoji's in the status bar, and a hacky logout/shutdown menu accessible by $mod+delete.

This config uses left alt as a modifier, with the super key modifier line commented out for an easy switch.

Packages you should have

  • i3 (or i3-gaps)
  • i3lock
  • dmenu
  • ImageMagick
  • xautolock
  • feh
  • gnome-terminal (default terminal, $mod+Shift+Return to use i3-sensible-terminal)
  • compton (for transparency and vsync)
  • display-visor (for really basic display handling)

Contributing / Using my stuff

Feel free to use my shit, if you want. Initial i3-gaps/compton set up borrowed from a friend, you can find his configs here.

To put all this stuff in the right place, try this:

$ cd ~/.config
$ git clone i3
$ mkdir i3status
$ ln -s ~/.config/i3/i3status.conf ~/.config/i3status/config
$ sudo ln -s ~/.config/i3/lock /usr/bin/lock

This assumes that both the i3 and i3status directories have not yet been created in the ~/.config directory. The last line creates a symlink of the lock script in /usr/bin so that you don't have to add the ~/.config/i3 directory to your PATH.

How does she look?



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