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uController Boards. General Information, Performance, and Memory

Eric Stockenstrom edited this page Jan 28, 2020 · 4 revisions

Espressif ESP32_D (Dual Core)

The board used for this project is described as "Official DOIT ESP32 Development Board" and has 30 pins. See here. I have seen variants with the same or similar descriptions advertised on-line, with widely differing prices and quality. Pin counts varying from 28 to 38 as the board maker may choose to exposed more or fewer pins of the embedded SOC. Remarkably all the ones I have bought have worked. Physical pin markings vary according to the whims of the board makers, but the numbering generally relates back to the Espressif SOC's GPIO numbers.


  • CPU: Xtensa dual-core (or single-core) 32-bit LX6 microprocessor, operating at 160 or 240 MHz and performing at up to 600 DMIPS
  • Ultra low power (ULP) co-processor


  • 4 MB Flash
  • 520 KB SRAM
  • EEPROM emulated in Flash

Typical build summary after flashing Mav2Passthru


Espressif ESP8266

Memory: 32 KiB instruction RAM 32 KiB instruction cache RAM 80 KiB user-data RAM 16 KiB ETS system-data RAM

Processor: L106 32-bit RISC microprocessor core based on the Tensilica Xtensa Diamond Standard 106Micro running at 80 MHz or 160 MHz

External QSPI flash: up to 16 MiB is supported (512 KiB to 4 MiB typically included)

UART on dedicated pins, plus a transmit-only UART can be enabled on GPIO2

Typical build summary after flashing Mav2Passthru

Sketch uses 359144 bytes (34%) of program storage space. Maximum is 1044464 bytes. Global variables use 46228 bytes (56%) of dynamic memory, leaving 35692 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 81920 bytes.

Teensy 3.2


  • CPU: Single ARM®Cortex®-M4 microprocessor, operating at 72 MHz, over-clockable to 96 MHz


  • 256 KB Flash
  • 64 KB SRAM
  • 2048 EEPROM

Typical build summary after flashing Mav2Passthru

Teensy 3.2

STM32F103xx Blue Pill


  • CPU: Single ARM®Cortex®-M3 microprocessor, operating at 72 MHz, over-clockable to 128 MHz


  • 128 KB Flash
  • 20 KB SRAM
  • EEPROM emulated in Flash

Typical build summary after flashing Mav2Passthru


STM32F103xx Maple Mini (Original bootloader)


  • CPU: Single ARM®Cortex®-M3 microprocessor, operating at 72 MHz, over-clockable to 128 MHz


  • 108 KB Flash
  • 17 KB SRAM
  • EEPROM emulated in Flash

Typical build summary after flashing Mav2Passthru

Despite the low amount of dynamic ram available, the board has generally performed adequately up to now. Be aware that if memory demands increase due to further development of Mav2Passthru the situation might change